Umno united against Pak Lah

The Malaysian Insider CommentaryFor once, there was no flip, there was no flop. No flap even as Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today stuck to his widely-expected decision to not defend his Umno…

Laluan Tengku Razaleigh Makin Cerah

Sekiranya benar Ralzaeigh kini sudah memiliki 40 bahagian bakal mencalonkan beiau, angka itu akan bertambah sehingga 60 atau 70 bahagian apabila sekurang-kurang 25 hingga 30 bahagian yang setia atau…

Hail this anak Bangsa Malaysia!

As I have sat here and happily read all the comment posted and kept myself entertained for about 8 months I begin to wonder what the hell am I actually doing? Am I just seeking some entertainment of…

Who is Raja Petra? He is All of Us

Just thinking about Raja Petra being ISAed & jailed in Kamunting, is already enough to make me really sad. Meeting him today (at the PJ Sessions Court during the break time, for the first time…

Suffering the ISA

By Khairil Anhar, The Nut GraphWHEN Anne Munro-Kua's husband Dr Kua Kia Soong was taken away under the Internal Security Act (ISA) in the dead of night in 1987, the emotion that gripped her most…

The dumbing down of politics

By Tricia Yeoh, The Nut GraphIN legal terms, the "reasonable person" standard is often used in arguing out cases. It is not always easy to define what this means. But it is generally…

Mass of contradictions

By Ooi Ying Nee, The Nut GraphYOU can hardly tell what’s really going on with Pakatan Rakyat these days. The leaders of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP and PAS, who form the coalition, seem…

Rest in Peace, Islam Hadari

By Farish A. Noor Observers of Malaysian politics both at home and abroad have already begun to write the political obituary of the country’s embattled Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

My fate is in Musa’s hands, says Tan

By Muguntan Vanar, The StarKOTA KINABALU: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan has said that his position in the state Cabinet was the prerogative of Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman and the Sabah…