Return to sender. Victims unknown

By The People's ParliamentUntil the deaths of A. Kugan and Teoh Beng Hock this year, the death in police custody of Francis Udayappan was probably the most widely known.

Turning point for the Indians

By Baradan Kuppusamy (The Star)The Kampung Buah Pala issue may well be a point the Indian community will use to ponder whether they should go on supporting Pakatan Rakyat. After all, the pact has…

Live Permatang Pasir polling day

By Regina William, The Edge10.07am: First-hour turnout at 14.6% or 2,966 voters. 10am: Number of voters turning up at polling stations increasing steadily.

Sufiah’s mum to advise govt

(NST) KUALA LUMPUR: Halimahton Yusof, the mother of five child geniuses, has been roped in to help in the Permata Negara and Permata Pintar programmes.

Islam kejam atau Islam rahmah?

Oleh Norhayati Kaprawi, The Nut GraphSEBAGAI seorang Islam, saya tertanya-tanya wajah Islam bagaimanakah yang Malaysia mahukan? Negara Islam, Islam madani, Islam hadari, atau Islam …

Oh Maika, I am but a fool…

By Hakim Joe Would you jump at the chance of purchasing a GLC share for RM5.00 if that particular share is actively trading at the KLSE at RM6.15? What if you were offered 10 million of…

Chill Out – Have a Beer, lar!

By G. KrishnanSo I’m not sure what your religion exactly says about drinking alcohol. Maybe there is a chapter and verse in your holy book that says: ‘thou shall not drink alcohol.’…

The Dumbing-Down of Bolehsia

By CruzinThotsWhatever Mahathir's lazy and myopic Vision 2020 may say, it is my belief that a "first-world " nation is built on the foundation of viable philosophical ideas nurtured by…

Siapa yang Layak jadi Pengkhianat?

Oleh: HAFIZ JAMAIL MENGIKUT hukum Islam, mereka yang menjual kerakyatan dan tanah airnya harus dihukum pancung atau digantung sampai mati atau disula, sesuai atau mengikut undang-undang di sebuah…

Go all the way or no way

So, forget about peeping into pubs to catch Muslims drinking beer. Go catch those Muslims driving cars bought with car loans. Go catch those Muslims who use credit cards. Go

RM361 juta Lagi Untuk Kroni

(Buletin Online) - Kerajaan Terengganu dijangka membelanjakan Bajet Tambahan sebanyak RM361, 267, 300.00 untuk tujuan politik dan mengagih-agihkan projek kepada kroni.

No proof to allegations in letter

(Malaysian Mirror) - There is no proof to support allegations in a so-called mysterious letter that was submitted last Wednesday by lawyer Gobind Singh Deo to the coroner’s court here, the…

Aliran to DPM: You were wrong

(Malaysian Mirror) - Reform movement Aliran has come out in support of the Bar Council, which has been criticised by Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin over the disbarment of Permatang Pasir…

Lagi-lagi propaganda JMD…

By Eyes Wide OpenThis post is my attempt to counter the attempt by Jebat Must Die to spin the mysterious Teoh Beng Hock inquest letter as absolving the MACC Deputy Director and MACC from all blame and…