One Malaysia?

By Philip Bowring (NY Times)Malaysia is a lucky country but not at present a happy one, a worrying situation for a Muslim-majority nation that needs to balance democracy and free choice with religious…

Will the police respect opposition?

By Azril Mohd Amin (The Nut Graph)A PRIMARY principle of democratic government that can and should be imported into the Muslim ummah is self-regulation by means of dialogue with opposition and…

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

By Hakim Joe A lot of people don’t know this but Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) was once the largest player in the international currencies market. That BNM lost over RM20 billion is not…

Happiness Is

By batsman Happiness like love is many things. Children are the symbolic icons of happiness – full of life and laughter and this makes for good advertising copy or movie themes. But if…

Keep Away From A(H1N1)

By SureshEvery other day, every other hospital, clinic, politician, newspaper and country is saying the same whole line, “Avoid Public Places” because of the A(H1NI) which seems to be…

Surat misteri terdedah?

(Merdeka Review) - Malaysia Today membuat kejutan dengan artikel yang berjudul "The shit has hit the fan". Tiada sebarang tulisan daripada penulis, hanya "artikel" yang…

All Muslims are brothers

All Muslims are brothers and sisters. When they meet they greet one another with 'assalamu-alaikum', which means 'peace be upon you'. Shout this far and wide. Muslims are brothers…