Litar Sepang menuju zaman kejatuhan??

By Juan Mantoyol Formula1 (F1) di Malaysia telah melepasi satu dekad sejak ia di anjurkan seawal 1999. Idea untuk menganjurkan F1 di Malaysia di cetus oleh mantan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Tun…

MACC reopens Fairus graft case

Written by Regina William, The Edge The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has reopened its probe on former deputy chief minister 1 (DCM1) Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin in connection…

Another by-election in Kedah?

(Bernama) - Is another by-election on the cards? Going by a letter that has been sent by the Kedah office of the Election Commission to its headquarters in Putrajaya, it looks like there is going to…

a different set of rules

By Tengku RazaleighI don’t know En. Rohaizat. He may be a fine upstanding citizen. However, his public record of dishonesty would long ago have disqualified him from being a candidate for public…

Samy Vellu wants to stay till 2015

By Baradan Kuppusamy, The Malaysian InsiderMIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, who is battling to stay in power against the wishes of the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the Indian community, says he…

Rohaizat: Umno atau Ragunath yang bohong?

Abdul Aziz Mustafa, HarakahIsu hero Umno yang dilayangkan kad merah oleh Majlis Peguam menimbulkan persoalan adakah para pemimpin Umno bercakap bohong atau Presiden Majlis Peguam, Ragunath Kesavan…

Apa agenda Malaysian Insider?

Oleh Rashid IsmailSAYA adalah antara jutaan penduduk Malaysia yang gemar melayari Internet untuk membaca laman-laman web dan blog yang tumbuh bagai cendawan selepas hujan, kebelakangan ini.

Najib, Cricket and The Bitter Pill

Pakatan Rakyat is going through growing pains. But we must congratulate them for what they have achieved, and support them and wish them well in their journey to becoming a sustainably viable…

RPK (RIP) Amok Again

Gopal Raj KumarHe is at it again. The man who calls himself a journalist, persecuted and one who for no apparent reason is being hounded by the government of…

Ronnie Liu: I can be framed

(The Star) - Selangor executive councillor Ronnie Liu has expressed fears that a visitor’s logbook taken from his office by police on Monday can be used to “frame him.”