Common sense in Politics?

By steadyaku47 Time and time again we have been told that the last 50 years have seen unprecedented growth and development for Malaysia – more development and material progress then at any time…

Cakap Cakap….

By steadyaku47 In my memory and in my time I have had the use of three ‘International” airports in KL. The first time I left for London it was from Sungai Besi. Years later when I left for…

FRU to check rowdy MPs

(NST) KUALA TERENGGANU: Federal Reserve Unit and Light Strike Force personnel may be deployed in the frontlines of a by-election if politicians insist on unsavoury behaviour.

Utusan Malaysia and 1Malaysia

By Wong Chin Huat (The Nut Graph)IF newspapers could be judged by their titles like books by their covers, most of the major Chinese-language newspapers in Malaysia would be guilty of not being…

Is Pakatan Rakyat ready to rule?

By Hafidz Baharom (The Malaysian Insider)AUG 19 — I actually posed the title question on The Star’s Citizen blog for some feedback from anonymous sources. I had also requested that the…

A Long Hard Journey to School

By See Chee How The persistent international outcry over the alleged rape of Penan women and schoolgirls by logging company workers seems to have spurred the Sarawak government to take steps to…

Police probe PKFZ

Giam Say Khoon, The Sun Daily Bukit Aman's commercial crime department has started an investigation into alleged irregularities of up to RM1 billion over the Port Klang Free Zone project…

Whose dick is MACC sucking?

MCA has admitted it has RM2 billion in assets without being able to account for it and show where the money came from. The MCA President flew in Tiong’s private jet without paying while he is…