Speed is vital, so is freedom

By Wong Sai Wan (The Star)Super fast Internet connection is paramount to the future growth of the country but attempts by certain authorities to stifle its usage would render any super speed useless.…

A New Deal for English Revisited

By Dr. Collin AbrahamRespondents have shown much empathy to the entrenchment of the rural Malay rakyat in the negation of equal opportunities to learn the English language, and thereby being…

Ha! Malaysia did this first

Rosli, 46, a partner in Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill, was alleged to have not complied with the terms of a notice dated July 17, 2007, issued by the Prosecutor under Section 32(1)(b) of the…

PR Has 2 Years, How Long Does BN Have?

By Khoo Kay PengI read that Muhyiddin predicted PR may not last more than 2 years. Mahathir expected the PR to lose Selangor. A number of leaders from BN component parties are expecting the nascent…

Ong demands apology from Tiong

Farah Azreen, Malaysian Mirror Ong Tee Keat has filed a police report against Bintulu MP Tiong King Sing today. He also demanded an apology from Tiong for his public statement that he (Ong) took a…

10 Minit ditahan

Puspawati Rosman, Merdeka Review Saya dibawa masuk ke sebuah trak yang diletakkan di hadapan Masjid Jamek. Sepanjang perjalanan ke trak tersebut, saya tidak diberi sebab tangkapan oleh polis-polis…

Just shooting the breeze

My objectives remain the same. My mission and vision have not changed. I still want to see Malaysians transform into an informed voting population who may vote for either Barisan Nasional or Pakatan…

Land ruckus, Sarawak has it!

By Joseph TawieWhen it comes to leasing out Dayak NCR (native customary rights) lands to private companies, even the NCR land belonging to Sarawak’s Head of State Abang Muhammad Salahuddin is…

Sarawak: 10 point-land policy

By Charles Gau PROPOSED 10-POINT LAND POLICY OF SARAWAK PKR THE RETURN OF LAND TO SARAWAKIANS 1. All lands in Sarawak belong to the people and the government only holds the land in trust for the…