Gutter level cyber warfare

By Lee Wee TakThe internet has a brief and interesting history in Malaysian politics. Prior to 12th GE, the BN administration dismissed it as not creditable, irrelevant and of insignificance. An…

A day in the evil of Utusan Malaysia

By Guan SinAt my home town on a weekday, and I did the stupid thing: bought a copy of Utusan Malaysia. It’s for a purpose – for this blog. We all know how ‘evil’ Utusan, a…

Bolehland Bullshit

By The Daily WilOh yes. The masters of Bolehland, with their seemingly eloquent speeches and rallying cries, bringing together in unison the masses. How the bloody hell are they able do this?

When the lunatics run the asylum

The IGP’s contract will expire next month. In fact, he retired way back in 2007. However, in spite of the evidence that surfaced linking him to the Chinese crime syndicate they still extended…

Khairy jerut leher sendiri!

(Hrkh) - Hujah yang menjerut leher sendiri! Umno terdesak! Demikian antara kenyataan yang boleh ditujukan kepada Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin.

Mangsa Utusan Malaysia

(Merdeka Review) - Perdana Menteri Najib Abdul Razak telah menggariskan konsep "1Malaysia" sebagai "pedoman" pemerintahannya setelah mengambil alih tampuk kerajaan. Empat…

In perception, we trust

The truth is, PAS, DAP and PKR need each other. To (over)simplify, PAS and DAP now receive votes from each other's political constituents and PKR still relies on the machinery and idea(l)s of its…

1Malaysia versus Anak Bangsa Malaysia

Dr Koh Tsu Koon wants us to respect the Constitution. Aiyah, what is this Apek talking about? That is exactly what we are trying to tell them, respect the Constitution. But not only Article 153 of the…

The Racist Malaysian Expanded

By batsman I love a good debate even if eventually it becomes embarrassing. RPK’s blog on the Racist Malaysian Exposed is such a rip-roaring toss-up that even one of his own comments…