Conveniently Forgotten

By Hakim Joe When the Japanese Imperial Army invaded this country in 1941, we had a common enemy that we fought against and later it was the British when the expectation of national…

What’s wrong with the ISA?

By Deborah Loh, The Nut GraphMOB rule. "Ini bukan budaya kita". Public nuisance. The 20,000 who marched on 1 Aug 2009 in Kuala Lumpur against the Internal Security Act (ISA) have been…

Ooi: I never insulted Islam

By Tunku Shahariah, The StarGEORGE TOWN: Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s chief of staff Jeff Ooi said he never insulted Islam and has withdrawn his statement labelling Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)…

An apology to parents

(The Star) - PERTH: Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has apologised for the actions of the Federal Territory Education Department officers who locked out 70 parents when they tried to…

Najib’s 1Malaysia a two-faced scam?

The objectives of this two-pronged strategy are obvious. Strategy 1 (Scenario 1) is meant to coax the return of Chinese and Indian votes which had exited the BN pen in a mass exodus in the 8 Mar…

An apology to parents

(The Star) - Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has apologised for the actions of the Federal Territory Education Department officers who locked out 70 parents when they tried to convene an…

Number of infected to rise

(NST) - The spread of influenza A (H1N1) can no longer be contained. In acknowledging this yesterday, director-general of Health Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican said all the isolation wards…

Censoring Rais

Rais Yatim wanted to impose censorship of the internet. He used the argument of protecting the public's morality as his main reasoning. In doing so, he comes out from a position of believing his…

Polls in Perak after Aidilfitri?

Written by Yong Min Wei, The EdgeEncouraged by the strong approval rating of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and inspired by the positive vibes from his economic liberalisation policies and…

DAP pun ada Melayu…

Hati saya tertanya-tanya, bagaimana DAP boleh dituduh sebagai anti-Islam dan anti Melayu kerana dalam parti DAP sendiri pun terdapat juga ahli-ahli berketurunan Melayu biarpun bilangannya sedikit…

Fraudulent Defenders of Our Faith

There is nothing Islamic about a society infested with corruption, dehumanized by poverty, and riddled with injustices. It would be the height of hypocrisy, and mock our great faith to boot, for…