Even the cops want a new boss

(Malaysian Mirror) - Who will be the new IGP? Will it be the same old one – an extension of Musa Hassan’s term of service? Which means that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will recommend…

Ezam sedia jadi saksi utama

(Utusan Malaysia) - Bekas Ketua Angkatan Muda Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Ezam Mohd. Nor bersedia tampil sebagai saksi utama kes tuntutan saman Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam usaha membuktikan siri…

The racist Malaysian exposed

Do not hope for the Malays to even start discussing the termination of the NEP when the Chinese maintain their very pompous and arrogant attitude: The Malays are not good enough to succeed and if they…

Clamping down on students

(The Nut Graph) SPEAKING at the Muslim Students Leadership Convention on 26 July 2009, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he wanted "to see student leaders with dynamic and healthy…

MCMC now says study is on Internet use

(The Malaysian Insider) With the government at sixes and sevens over a controversial plan to filter the Internet, the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) today clarified it is…

Green Dam will only make them see red

By Koh Lay Chin (NST)MANY Malaysians were outraged at what were purportedly incoming measures to "control bad elements" on the Internet. Most wondered if such attempts at censorship would…

Cops urged to conduct further probe

(The Star) SHAH ALAM: The police have been asked to conduct further investigations on several new areas and items found during a visit by parties involved in the inquest into the death of Teoh Beng…

Group claims police brutality

(NST) JOHOR BARU: A group of Pas members and supporters yesterday lodged a police report here over what they claimed to be police brutality during the anti-Internal Security Act rally in Kuala Lumpur…

Subsidised Diesel Part 4

By All That I Know .. E-diesel card scheme, developed by AgroScience Industries, was introduced in January 2006 at a cost of RM10million. Under the e-diesel card scheme, fishermen were allowed to buy…

Ronnie vents his frustration

DAP State Assemblyman Ronnie Liu is a magnet for negative publicity. Since the March 8, 2008 general elections, he has been charged with abetting to prevent the authorities from conducting…