IGP, You can never catch Raja Petra

Yet another claim by IGP to the court that he will get Raja Petra by October 2009. Unfortunately, Raja Peta would have to disappointed him again because he was not in Malaysia to begin with.…

Racial Tensions Rise in Malaysia

The question is whether the anger will play itself out in yet another by-election. The Pakatan Rakyat coalition has won five of six by-elections since the March 2008 national polls eliminated…

Why I don’t need the NEP

As I said, I would hate it if people say my success is because I happen to have been born Malay. I would prefer people say I am successful because I am smart. Why can’t other Malays share my…

Do not filter out democracy

And now the government is set on censoring the Internet, to ensure only the opinions it likes will be available online. In name, the government merely wants to block access to pornography and websites…

Haze may worsen H1N1

(Straits Times) KUALA LUMPUR - THE thick haze blanketing some parts of Malaysia could worsen the Influenza A (H1N1) situation by triggering more respiratory illnesses, Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai…

A need to resolve differences

By Baradan Kuppusamy (The Star)THE seizure of beer from a convenience store last week by officers of the Shah Alam City Council has evolved into another political squabble between Pakatan Rakyat…

Courting trouble

By Nizam Bashir (The Malaysian Insider)AUG 7 — Much has been said and written about last Saturday’s Gabungan Mansuhkan ISA (“GMI”) rally. Most notably, the discussions centred…

Have You Heard of Soraya M.?

By G. KrishnanThe recent buzz about a possible beer ban in primarily “Malay areas” in Selangor got me wondering. Are we too essentially on our way to creating a Malaysia where one segment…