Here they go again …….

Just before Teoh Beng Hock was killed, the civil war within Pakatan Rakyat threatened to undo this new political coalition. DAP threatened to pull out from the PAS led Kedah Govt.

Dasar cetus kemelut di Kedah

(Merdeka Review) - Kewujudan dasar kuota bukan sesuatu yang baru, namun tetap mencetus pertikaian. Atas nama Dasar Ekonomi Baru, kebanyakan negeri menetapkan kuota perumahan 30% untuk…

Utusan Melayu … or Ugutan Melayu?

Utusan Melayu is synonymous with Ketuanan Melayu, Tuntutan Melayu, Rasul Melayu, Kongres Melayu, Kesatuan Melayu, and other forms of glorified anomalies of the progressive Malay mind yearning to be…

Watch Al Jazeera

Aljazeera English's 101 East will be be broadcasting a 30-minute special on the curent ISA controversy and the Aug 1 anti-ISA demonstration.

The Nut Graph in a jam

By: Pamela Vinsence, Marketing-Interactive.com11 month old online news portal, The Nut Graph is looking at public donations, funding and exploring different revenue models in a bid to stay afloat…

Ronnie is non-isue — Selangor MB

(Bernama) - The Selangor government Wednesday rejected the call made by Selangor PAS to strip the post of Ronnie Liu as State Local Government, Study and Research Committee chairman following…

Malaysia mulls internet filter

(Reuters) - MALAYSIA is considering the establishment of an Internet filter, similar to China's abandoned 'Green Dam' project, a source familiar with the process told Reuters on…

Hisham: Video tarnishing police image

(The Star) - The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (SKMM) has been asked to act decisively against those involved in uploading a video clip on the Internet which purportedly shows the…

The real issue behind beer-ban

When Selangor PAS Commissioner, YB Dato' Dr. Hasan Ali suggested to the state government to ban the sales of alcoholic beverages in Muslim-majority area in Selangor and even went further to…

Tidak, Melayu tidak bacul!

By Syahredzan Johan Saya sebenarnya tidak faham apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan “hak-hak orang Melayu dicabar”. Setahu saya, apa yang dikatakan sebagai “hak Melayu” itu telahpun…