
By The Nut Graph teamTHE 1 Aug 2009 anti-Internal Security Act (ISA) street rally attracted big crowds scattered around the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The throng of people easily numbered 20,000 but could…

The problem with the MACC

By Deborah Loh, The Nut GraphRUSHED through Parliament in haste, it was only a matter of time before weaknesses in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act would emerge.

The Malays are cowards, says Utusan

“Strangely there are many Malay-Muslims who are also expressing hatred for the powers held by their own race. The Malay race has become a race of stupid cowards, and people who are cowards

Tidak sedarkah Melayu sedang dihina?

Orang Melayu perlu buka mata dan pasang telinga. Kalau benar pakatan menolak ISA itu adalah suara semua kaum, ke mana kaum-kaum lain dalam demonstrasi Sabtu lalu? UTUSAN MALAYSIA

Melayu jangan jadi bacul

Strategi yang mereka pergunakan sekarang sudah nyata berjaya. Terus menyemarakkan isu rasis untuk menimbulkan "kemarahan dan kebencian" rakyat kepada apa juga kuasa yang ada kepada orang…

Former council president faces MACC action

By Lourdes Charles, The StarA former president of the Terengganu municipal council, who is allegedly living a lavish lifestyle, is being investigated by the Malaysian Anti-Corrup-tion Commission…

Raja Arshad, Rahman terajui Ekuinas

(Utusan Malaysia) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak hari ini mengumumkan pelantikan Tan Sri Raja Arshad Raja Tun Uda sebagai Pengerusi Ekuiti Nasional Berhad (Ekuinas) dan Abdul Rahman Ahmad bagi jawatan…

Babi Cina, Babi Melayu

Anyway, we don’t need the ISA to ensure that there are no race riots. Instead, what we need is to ban Umno, MCA and MIC. These are the people causing racial instability. They are fighting for…

Could this be you (reprise)?

"I make it a point to remain neutral, I steer clear of politics, don't believe in getting involved. Anyway, politics is a dirty game and politicians are all the same, you can't trust…