Step on it if you dare!

Art HarunUnsuspecting tourists in Malaysia these past few weeks should not be blamed if they thought that Malaysians are culturally predisposed to the act of stomping on flags, pictures, dolls and the…

Honey, I shrunk the Chinese!

The sharp reduction of Chinese as a population ratio is contrary to natural growth patterns and an anomaly due to institutionalized discrimination. The present Chinese condition requires them to speak…

Special Rights of Malays

We incessantly hear of this “Special Rights” echo throughout Malaysia by UMNO propogators. Just who are the “Malays” that Article 153 is talking about then?By John Doe

The end of the jungle?

The Malaysian government and the palm oil industry has been accused of laying waste to last remaining rainforests of Borneo in what has been described as a corporate land grab. By Angus Stickler (BBC…

UMNO Takut Doa Tok Guru?

Sememangnya pelik sekiranya seseorang yang sanggup menidakkan hak rakyat Kelantan kepada royalti petroleum mengatakan pula kerajaan pusat 'menghadiahkan' wang ehsan kepada agensi kerajaan persekutuan…

What Chin Peng’s story can teach us

We need to explore the story behind the armed struggle to understand the ideology behind the movement. We might denounce the atrocities of the communist insurgents/Malayan co-freedom fighters, but we…

Nazri, Dr M trade ‘racist’ insults

By Sharon Tan, The EdgeFormer premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad tells Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz to quit his party as he (Nazri) is against racism while Umno is a…

Muhyiddin, now that’s interfering!

By Joshua Teng, Malaysian MirrorIt is an open act of meddling in the affairs of others by Umno for asking all MCA central committee (CC) members to step down to pave way for fresh party elections.

‘Don’t fall into opposition trap’

(NST) - BARISAN Nasional leaders should not get involved in open debate as it will make them fight each other and fall into the opposition's trap, said BN deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Rock on, preacher man

"We do not deny that he can use his influence as an artiste to draw the crowds to his talks which had been known to be sarcastic about other religious speakers and also fellow artistes," he said,…

The hawks and doves in UMNO

On BTN's curriculum and the question of Malay sovereignty, Nazri said the Malay sovereignty was not about the sovereignty of Malay people, but of the Malay rulers and sultans, and as such, it didn't…