Residents lose in court again

(NST) GEORGE TOWN: The hopes of Kampung Lorong Buah Pala residents to remain in their village were dashed again yesterday after the High Court ruled against them.

Mein Kampf – Malaysian Style

By Rotten Egg On reading the recent emotional ranting of the architect of modern Malaysia (a person whom I admire for his tenacity, determination and foresight in managing issues), I could not help…

The Alternative Theory

By Hakim Joe Dr. Azmi Sharom has espoused his intellectual rhetoric in pertinent to the state of affairs in Malaysia and the spate of broken promises that have broken down the multiracial…

Staff Welfare

By Chris Whilst all fingers are being pointed at the MACC, I am rather puzzled as to the staff welfare concerns shown towards Teoh by his employers whilst being taken into custody or ostensibly being…

MACC must serve public interest

In the wake of the MACC scandal involving the tragic death of a young political assistant to the DAP party, it is imperative that Malaysian society re-asserts its presence in the public domain by…

Distorters of truth

The NSTP group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Mohammed Isa lashed out at the criticisms aimed at the MACC in Berita Harian. He said, "The accusation against MACC by non-Malays is a blatant act…

Satu Lagi Surohanjaya?

Zaid IbrahimKata Dr Mahathir orang Melayu mudah lupa; saya pula kata orang Malaysia juga mudah lupa. Dari tragedi kematian Teoh Beng Huat, ada antara kita yang sudah pun puas hati dengan pengumuman…

Royal commission of deception

It is as clear as day light that MACC exists not to wipe out corruption, but to wipe out Pakatan Rakyat – not only in Selangor but all over the country. It is in the realization of this…

A Tale of Two Tuns

Art HarunIf ever there was a wish which I could be granted when I grow really old, - this is not to say that I am not already old, it is just that I am not that old, yet - that would…