Dr M’s questionable priorities

By Dr Toh Kin Woon, The Nut GraphI REFER to the latest posting in (Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad's blog, in which he criticised non-Malay for asking for more concessions from state policies.

‘You stupid China man’

(Malaysian Mirror) - Victims of torture by a government commission revealed the “mental and physical” pressure that they underwent following the death of an opposition member last week…

Misteri kekal Misteri

Oleh Lim Hong SiangMisteri kematian Teoh Beng Hock, Setiausaha Politik Exco Selangor kekal sebagai misteri walaupun telah dikebumikan pada hari ke-5. Siasatan polis yang 60% selesai walaupun memberi…

Talk is cheap

By eechiaThey talked and ranted about their anger and anguish at this unfortunate episode.But, they only talk about it. They talked and they complained. Talk is cheap.

Death by Detention?

By Daniel Chai, CCM Youth Secretary This tragedy yet again adds another nauseating leaf to our country’s sheer lack of a credible and transparent value system of integrity against a painful…

MAJAPS Statement

By Datuk Lawrence Thien, Hon.Secretary, Majlis JaksaJaksa Pendamai Sabah (Majaps) We strongly condemn and deeply regret the death of Teoh Beng Hock, a special aide to a Selangor Executive…

Surat terbuka kepada Tun Mahathir

By The Flaccid Mind Dan Tun, sila perbetulkan kenyataan ‘orang bukan Melayu yang menjadi tuan yang sebenar’ dengan menambah ’segelintir’. Saya orang bukan Melayu dan saya…

There is many a truth in the parody

So the heat was on. Friday was the dateline. They wanted Tan Sri Khalid and his team arrested that same day. And they would have to use force if necessary to get Teoh to say what the MACC wanted him…

It’s Time To Forget About Dr M

Khoo Kay PengThe grand old man of Malaysia strikes again! Venting his anger at Najib's decision to liberalize the economy, he claims that non-Malays, and particularly the Chinese, were the real…

Why remain in the Cabinet?

What is the use of MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers remaining in Cabinet if three of the four major Barisan Nasional component parties in Peninsular Malaysia could be overruled on a Royal Commission of…

PM mesti berani melawan rasisme

Zaid IbrahimKira-kira sebulan yang lalu saya ditanya oleh seorang profesor Melayu apa sebabnya saya membuat ucapan pada bulan Februari tahun ini merayu supaya DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong tidak melantik…

Dear Tun

By Simon Templar Dear Tun M,I hope that this open letter reaches you in the pink of health.