I dreamt of Beng Hock

Before I could answer, Beng Hock spoke again: “You know, I had made arrangements to register my marriage the next day. I was looking forward to a good family life.” Yeo Yang Poh, MySinchew…

Angry in Malaysia

My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.…

Perhaps? Maybe!

We don’t understand, or more appropriately, we are very angry as MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan still shamelessly said at this very moment that MACC should not be held…

Malaysia no longer a “Tanah Melayu”

Azly Rahmanhttp://azlyrahman-illuminations.blogspot.com/2009/07/rest-in-peace-beng-hock.htmlToday is July 19, 2009, 40 years after the May 13 1969 tragedy. I dedicate these notes to Teo Beng Hock, a…

Malaysia’s UN fan club

By Shanon Shah (The Nut Graph) MALAYSIA has announced publicly that "respect for human rights has long been established given the country's character as a melting pot of various cultures,…

Tragedy has a face, and a name

By Paul Si (The Malaysian Insider) The powers that be, to no one’s surprise, are reacting to that emotional reaction in time-tested fashion – attack the attackers, accuse the accusers, the…

Thousands gather in PJ to express outrage

(The Star) PETALING JAYA: Thousands turned up at a special gathering organised by the Pakatan Rakyat here in memory of Teoh Beng Hock who died in the vicinity of the Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corrup-…

Re-training for Umno leaders

(The Star) SHAH ALAM: All Umno leaders, including the top brass, will be undergoing ‘re-training’ programmes aimed at promoting a more dynamic mindset in championing the rights of all…

Jakim clamps down on films

(The Star) PUTRAJAYA: The Islamic Religious Develop-ment Department of Malaysia (Jakim) is embarking on a blitz against films that focus on horror, myth, superstition and false traditional elements…

New party for Uthaya

(The Star) KLANG: Hindraf’s P. Uthayakumar launched a new multiracial party called the Human Rights Party (HRP) with an objective to champion the rights of marginalised sectors of all…

When stubbornness and rhetoric collide

By Hafidz Baharom (Facebook)While I offer my condolences to the family and the bride to be, I offer no such sympathies to the degenerate politicians and commenters who dare to exploit this man's…

Fact Twister

By HorizonlineTeoh Beng Hock is “worth more to us alive than dead”. This is not what I say, this is what the MACC official said to NST. Before I comment further, allow me to say MACC is…

Re: Did I not tell you?

By Thomas LeeI now understand and support Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's decision to boycott the newspaper and stopped the state government's subscription of it.