Muslims desecrate Sacred Host

These Muslims consumed the “Holy Communion” and spat out the sacred host. They humiliated the Catholics by having it photographed and its image published in the monthly Al-Islam. This is a…

Teoh supposed to marry today

(Bernama) - It was supposed to have been his wedding day. Instead, July 17 will be now be forever remembered by the Teoh family as the day they prepared for Beng Hock’s funeral.

2009 Joker of the Year: Nazri Aziz

By Khoo Kay Peng Each year this blog nominates a few individuals to be crowned the Joker of the Year. It is a bit unique this year. This is only the month of July and nomination is already closed…

Where have all the ballots gone?

Pakatan should also be aware that its image is on the slide. Many supporters are utterly frustrated with the countless internal conflicts and infighting taking place on an almost weekly basis. By TAY…

Anwar can view evidence

MALAYSIAN opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Thursday was given access to key evidence in his sodomy trial which his lawyers described as a 'political conspiracy' to jail him.

“Kuku besi dibalut baldu”

Dasar Mesra Rakyat dipertikaiOleh Lim Hong Siang, Merdeka Review"Kuku besi dibalut baldu (iron fist in velvet glove). Baldu yang dimaksudkan adalah dasar yang kononnya mesra rakyat. Kuku besi…