75% favour English: Dr M

(The Straits Times) - AN ONLINE poll on former Malaysian premier Mahathir Mohamad's blog showed 75 per cent of votes favouring the teaching of Maths and Science in English.

The untold MAS story: part 5

Two police reports are made. The MACC (anti-corruption agency) launches an investigation into the affairs of MAS. The Commercial Crime Division (CCD) of the police in Bukit Aman also launches an…

Dr M speaks his mind

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Age has not made him any more mellow. Outspoken former prime minister Tun Dr Manathir Mohamad, who turned 84 today, was his usual forthright self in a no-holds…

The Unexpected

During the process of reviewing, the various relevant parties should have offered their professional views, including the NUTP's insistence that English be kept as teaching medium for science and…

Hard on the kids

What about the Chinese community? Having sacrificed a generation of guinea pigs, what are they going to do in the face of the new changes?By LIM MUN FAH/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily

Dr M rates Najib poorly

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad gave Datuk Seri Najib Razak a poor rating today, on the eve of the latter's 100th day in office as prime minister.

Hindraf lawyer gets his passport back

(Malaysian Mirror) - The High Court has revised a Sessions Court ruling made in December, 2007, allowing P Uthayakumar, the legal advisor of the outlawed Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), to get…

What to do after 100 days?

The people are facing the problems of corruption, crime and price hike in their daily lives. It is meaningless to talk about “People First” without solving these problems. By LIM SUE…

Linguistic nationalism

Dealing with the thorny question of language and the politics of language policies will require more than the emotional humbug and patriotic essentialism that we have come to expect from some of our…