Pakatan’s club of cabinet shadows

(NST) SINCE last year's astonishing March 8 general election re-ignited the opposition's existentialism, the edgy alliance of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Datuk Seri Abdul…

Hindraf 18-point Memorandum in Full

By Hakim JoeWhat's my Agenda? Information, more precisely information to the MT readers. Not everybody has seen or read the original text of this memorandum and I am merely providing the service…

UMNO pembela nasib melayu?

By Hang Jebat'Letupan gunung berapi' yang berlaku di Kampung Lorong Buah Pala, Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini yang mengisi ruang media cetak dan elektronik, saya percaya telah membuka mata…

Ten KPIs for Najib

By Wong Chin Huat (The Nut Graph)THIS Saturday, 11 July 2009, will mark Datuk Seri Najib Razak's 100 days as prime minister. Be prepared for the swamp of praises for Malaysia's sixth prime…

No right to inheritance

(The Nut Graph) PETALING JAYA, 8 July 2009: There is no avenue for a deceased Muslim convert's next-of-kin to lay claim to his or her estate, as civil laws like the Distribution Act 1958 do not…

First Class Bumiputra??

By MSD I received this attached house promotion pamplet. I got a bit of a shock after seeing the targeted group that reads: Only for Bumiputra Government Employees.

Maids made in Malaysia

By Resident Wangsa MajuBoth Indonesia and Malaysia will emerge as losers from this maid deal. It is not a win-lose situation nor a win-win situation but a lose-lose situation in the long run.

Malaysia, Decades Behind Hong Kong

By Simon Templar Hong Kong used to be known as a country of rude people. If you had gone shopping there years ago, browsing and flipping through items have better led to a purchase. Or else you are…

Post-interview epilogue

By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew DailyTo many Chinese Malaysians, Khairy Jamaluddin does not seem to command a good image or respectable popularity. Many seem to grumble mentioning…

The untold MAS story: part 2

In part 2, today, we reveal extracts of the Anti-Corruption Agency (now called MACC) report that was submitted to the then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Abdullah, however, did not want the…