Wooing the Indian Malaysian vote

By Deborah Loh, The Nut GraphON 25 Nov 2007, the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) burst into public consciousness through a mammoth street rally. Few doubt that Hindraf was pivotal in swinging…

RPK, where art thou?

How he did his Houdini-like escape from Malaysia, however, has baffled the police. How did an elderly and not exactly limber man skip town with no one noticing?Faizal Tajuddin, Malaysian Mirror

The Malaysian Airlines Fuel Fiasco

Malaysia Today continues with the exposes on the many scandals involving Malaysia’s national airlines, Malaysian Airlines. Today is a report by Dr David Stone with regards to the fuel scandal…

Headed for a split

Riding to power on the momentum created by the Hindu Rights Action Force, the DAP has suddenly found itself on the receiving end of the group’s wrath.COMMENT BY BARADAN KUPPUSAMY, THE STAR

MCA slams PAS chief

(The Star) - PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has come under fire for objecting to the Government’s latest move to ease investment requirements in Malaysia.

Rice Bowl PASLand & DAP Rocket Afterburn

By Why LIE-dis n LIE-dat?The swine or in BolehLand's national language 'babi' is again causing problems in BolehLand.Already the present scare over the rising cases of A(H1N1) or…

Keeping Umno out of Sarawak

By Pak BuiPrime Minister Najib blogged about his recent visit to the Bidayuh village of Kampung Pichin in his posting “1Malaysia is Alive in Sarawak”. Najib praised Sarawak’s…

The Pakatan alliance is just not working out

By Zubaidah Abu Bakar, NSTHas the opposition coalition lost its lustre? Or has political fatigue set in because there's just too much politicking and squabbling among Pakatan components? It might…

PICKING JUDGES: There has to be fair play

By Lester Clement Lee We know of cases where persons were disqualified by their convictions but after expiry of the disqualification went on to become members of parliament, ministers and chief…

Three JI suspects held under ISA

(The Star) - KUALA LUMPUR: Three men, who are believed to be attempting to revive the outlawed terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiah (JI), have been arrested under the Internal Security Act.