The stand of Chinese newspapers

Chinese newspapers have their own unique missions as well as principles of their belief. They do not do things with the narrow objective of advancing their race-related interests. Instead, they have…

Dr MM launches

(Malaysian Mirror) - Lights, sound and the system failed with a video of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad going ala the silent movie era mode at the launch of the portal…

A real unity government

What PAS and Umno never explainedWhat is clear is that Umno is open to political strategies for staying in power, while PAS is open to political strategies for coming to power. The problem, then, is…

PAS faction determined to talk to Umno

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider After failing to hold unity talks with Umno, the conservative faction of the Islamist party is now pushing for an “intellectual”…

English for teaching Math and Science?

By Sim Kwang YangThe Ministry of Education is supposed to be making a decision on whether English will continue to be used to teach math and Science in our schools some time in July. But the…

Eviction deadline extended by a month

(NST) - There was no shortage of venom against state government leaders, especially Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, as furious residents vented their anger over the Kampung Lorong Buah Pala issue.

Najib’s bold political gamble

Umno leaders to ease disquiet over removal of Malay corporate ownership quota By Carolyn Hong, The Straits Times MALAYSIA'S pro-Malay economic policies were never meant to be only about…

Jaga lah Petronas Baik Baik

Oleh Zaid IbrahimKebelakangan ini banyak yang memperkatakan tentang kuasa Perdana Menteri untuk melantik sesiapa sahaja yang disukainya sebagai Ahli Lembaga Pengarah Petronas. Kuasa itu juga…