Umno ‘ajaran sesat’?

Arifin Mahmud, HarakahSebenarnya, kerajaan sudah boleh membuat keputusan sama ada mahu membenarkan Chin Peng pulang ke Malaysia atau tidak tanpa perlu merujuk kepada rakyat kita.

Menggempur Umno di Manek Urai

Mohd Rashidi Hassan, Harakah Pilihan Raya Kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri kawasan Manek Urai, Kuala Krai bermula 6 Julai ini harus dijadikan titik mula untuk membenam Umno-Barisan Nasional dipersada…

Why only briefing for Muslim MPs?

By Zedeck Siew, The Nut Graph The government has been criticised for organising a briefing on three laws related to conversion and religion for Muslim Members of Parliament (MPs) only.

What is there to be proud of?

So, does it really matter whether Lady Diana became a Muslim before she died? Would Islam benefit if Prince Charles or the Queen herself became a Muslim? Does this really enhance the image of Islam,…

English in Schools

For one thing, the argument that English must be used to teach Science and Mathematics to enhance the growth and development of scientific knowledge is not an absolute truth, although generally…

The obsession to ‘Muslimize’ MJ

MJ a Muslim? The impact is huge. It is even bigger than Muhammad Ali becoming a Muslim in his tender age after he won the Olympic Gold Medal for the US in the 1960's.Written by Kazi Mahmood,…

Press Statement by Lim Guan Eng

Petronas must explain why it is supplying 3.03 million tonnes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) a year to the Shanghai Gas Terminal for 25 years from 2009 when there is not enough gas supplies for…

PPSMI: Parut Yang Kekal

Oleh HASMI bin HASHIM Katakanlah, minggu depan kerajaan akan mengumumkan penarikan semula dasar pembelajaran matematik dan sains dengan bahasa Inggeris.

Even Swine Are Laughing At Us

Just because it was very hard to pronounce H Satu N Satu for kampung people and I was not happy about it, I would call it swine flu even it was actually influenza A(H1N1). By LIM MUN FAH/ Translated…

Abolish ISA, not amend it!

When the law is utterly unjust, reducing the period of detention from 60 days to 28 days does not remove the evilness of such a law. ISA is not opposed because it detains a person for 60 days or 28…

Don’t shoot the messenger

By R. Nadeswaran (The Sun)"A JOURNALIST will always protect his kind," is the common remark we usually get when we attempt to defend our professions from friends and foes who disagree with…

The God of No Mercy

By Magick RiverA 45-minute documentary on Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of modern Singapore and one of the world's remaining political strongmen. The film was seized by government officials…

No Stranger to Royal Shenanigans

If Muhyuddin and Nazri could not say anything sensible, they should just shut up. There is no need to embarrass the country. Come to think of it, that is good advice for all our…

Siapa kata tiada minyak di Kelantan?

By Anak Sungai DerhakaMalaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area (JDA)Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area merupakan salah satu kawasan yang sangat aktif dalam carigali dan pengeluaran Gas Asli,…

Separation of powers amiss

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz’s statement that the doctrine of separation of powers is alive and kicking in the country ought to be taken with…

Malaysians are the real agents of change

(The Malaysian Insider) Malaysians should take a bow. If the administration of Datuk Seri Najib Razak is making some reform noises — merit-based national scholarships, talk of finally abandoning…