Justifying Racism – A Study In Idiocy

Do you dare to voice your true opinion and risk failing the course and being forced to repeat it? Most just swallow this bitter pill and toe the line, even though they have just been told, in no…

When the shoe is on the other foot

Rais did not say this when an Iraqi reporter in Baghdad threw his shoe at President Bush in December last year. In fact, if I remember right, he was full of glee. Rais did not say this when Iran…

Malaysian Anwar Ibrahim to Face Trial

A judge rules the opposition leader must face trial sometime after January 25 on perversion charges  (Asia Sentinel) - High Court Judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah ruled Tuesday as expected that Anwar…

DAY 2 – 25 MARCH 2003 (Part 3)

Fernando then told the court that Anwar was placed in a most unusual situation where the defence had to prove his innocence instead of the prosecution having to prove his guilt. THE CORRIDORS OF…

The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers

 From the brains behind Iran's Green Revolution to the economic Cassandra who actually did have a crystal ball, they had the big ideas that shaped our world in 2009. Read on to see the 100 minds that…

Time for a “kill”?

Some people just can't help it. It must be in their blood and there is nothing one can do to ease it. They choose to be "colour blind" and what they see (or choose to see) is just UMNO red and BN…

Isu Bala antara akan dilapor ke JSJK

(Harakah Daily) - Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) dan Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM) dilaporkan akan membuat suatu laporan rasmi kepada Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial PDRM di Bukit Aman…

BTN not to be revamped after all

Written by Chan Kok Leong & Sharon Tan, The Edge The issue of the controversial Biro Tata Negara (BTN) continued to play out in Parliament today with proponents from both sides of the divide…

Three senior judges to be moved out soon

(Free Malaysia Today) - Three independent minded judges who have been making rulings unfavourable to the Barisan Nasional government are expected to be transferred out of the High Court’s  Appellate…

Umno “rotten to the core”

(Malaysian Mirror) - "Umno is rotten to the core." These words were allegedly uttered to Dr Mahathir Mohamad by a former senior leader who is disillusioned with the party and plans to jump ship to…

Heads must roll

BTN should not only be revamped – heads must roll for the poisoning of a whole generation of Malaysian leaders, civil servants, university students