Grand Theft Malaysia

Many hands at the smorgasbord table Over the years 2001 to 2006, the government had to spend billions to rescue seven privatized projects including Kuala Lumpur's two public transport systems, the…

Malaysia’s Growing Port Scandal

The dogs bark, the caravan moves onThe port's directors say it is now likely to default on billions of ringgit in loans, with the possibility, according to the PriceWaterhouseCoopers report, that…

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One of the wonderful features of blogs and online news portals is that they offer a measure of interactivity. Readers are encouraged to put in their two bits worth by leaving comments. 

Why we should not have to spin

Putting a positive turn on unsavoury events does not make them any the more palatable.It’s a complex problem that needs to be handled – as long as it is not, the effect will be negative. It’s not lack…

Bringing back Dr M to lead Kedah

By Farah Azreen, Malaysian Mirror UMNO has been embarrassed by a court ruling that one of its state seats in Kedah is up for grabs  because the incumbent representative had been absent twice in…

The truth about BTN

BTN is such a good way to promote unity and to remind us of the sacrifices our forefathers made in order for us to enjoy peace and harmony in Malaysia. However, these fascists who are roaming around…

This is what BTN is all about

See these video clips. These ‘patriotic songs’ were created by people such as Nordin Kardi of BTN. Note the lyrics that are meant to inflame the Malays at their ‘loss’ of their country to the…

It’s more than just political

  By the time the course ends the Malays would understand that the non-Malays are the enemy and that Umno is the only protection they have against the Chinese, Indians and ‘others’. This is what BTN…

Najib: GST Bill to be tabled soon

At the moment, people with salary below RM3,000 per month can be exempted from income tax. Now a poor person in Malaysia should be earning less than RM3,000 and with GST, that person who was not…

Childish MACC, Childish PDRM

The country is at such an embarrassing state being run by tantrum-throwing-children. And we are the ones paying their wages? Why do we have to have this kind of people leading important agencies? Why…

Note to PKR: Let S’wak be secular

By Joseph Tawie, Malaysian MirrorDr John Brian Anthony, a Kuala Lumpur-based consultant, has suggested that Parti Keadilan Rakyat or the Pakatan Rakyat should sign an agreement to commit them to…

Rais: We need better spin doctors

By Izatun Shari, The StarMalaysia should have influential public relations firms similar to lobbying groups in developed nations, said Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr…

Malays Must Not Be Too Extreme In Politics

(Bernama) -- Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said the Malays must not be too extreme in interpreting their political struggles to the extent of making it…