Why shoot the messenger?

Mariam Mokhtar, Malaysian MirrorWho could forget Namewee? Aka Wee Meng Chee, of Negarakuku fame. The rapper from Muar has condensed in his short music video, a tirade directed at TNB.

Najib goes to DC but does nothing

Prime Minister Najib Razak was in Washington DC today, busy eating nasi lemak and mee goreng as Bernama proudly reports. No mention of meetings with State Department, on Capitol Hill, with the White…

2030: We Were Warned

The signs are grim and gloomy for a country run (riot) by politicians:The nation’s mismanagement of talent could have serious repercussions not only on its ambitions to become a high income economy on…

SABAH the Exploited & Victimized

By www.savesandakan.com and www.nocoalsabah.blogspot.com The TERMS OF REFERENCE for Sabah’s ‘proposed’ coal fire power plant – a book which claims to be detailed yet omits the obvious issues which…

Beware of ‘terrorists’ within

It cannot be possible for non-Muslims to be unaffected if there are people who are spreading an “Islamic” ideology where you should not interact with people of other faiths, where they are to be…

Defending Nik Aziz

By Hafidz Baharom (The Nut Graph)I'M not a fan of Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat or his party, PAS. In fact, I am personally downright against PAS ever winning the federal or any state government. This…

Kg Medan: Mangsa belum dapat pampasan

Peristiwa pertumpahan darah di Kampung Medan yang berlaku pada tahun 2001 dibangkitkan semula baru-baru ini.Berapakah jumlah pampasan yang diterima akibat daripada peristiwa Kg Medan, seraya kepada…

Bala’s sojourn in Bangkok

(Malaysian Mirror) - Private eye Balasubramaniam Perumal has allegedly received RM750,000 since he fled the country more than a year ago after giving two contrasting declarations regarding the murder…

Two Umno VIPs in new MACC probe

(Free Malaysia Today) - THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is investigating a deputy minister and a government backbencher for corruption in a development that may deepen rifts in Umno,…

Suspect judgments

It goes to show one thing. We must have incompetent or inexperienced High Court judges because they keep getting overruled by the appellate courts in all cases between Pakatan Rakyat and the ruling…

Beg your pardon, Mr DPM?

But your comments today are symptomatic of an administration which has a cavalier attitude towards the law and the sanctity of contracts. Is it any wonder why Malaysians have little faith in the…

Get ready to Puke!

Have you ever seen an official website that appears to be promising the sun and moon and stars or almost anything in the solar system served with showers of blessings from up above and yet is actually…

JPJ at its Best

Often we have heard stories about how one can pass a driving test by just passing a few bucks. To be precise, the going rate is now RM500 for the driving license to be all yours.By Eaglewings