Something strong is brewing in Pakatan

The opposition coalition may have revealed too much of its weaknesses, affecting its credibility in the eyes of the voters but these internal conflicts could turn to the advantage of Pakatan as they…

Corruption is a two-player game

Malaysians are a funny lot. We’ll rant and rave about institutional corruption yet have no qualms whatsoever partaking in bribery on a personal level. One minute it’s PKFZ this, double-tracking that…

Malaysia: Refugees for Sale

Unreported World reveals shocking evidence that Burmese refugees fleeing the country's brutal military regime are being detained and then allegedly sold by Malaysian immigration officials to Thai…

It’s the Corruption Stupid!

It was corruption during Mahathir’s time, during Pak Lah’s time and it is still corruption now during Najib’s time! I have found it fascinating observing how the Malaysian voters think. They do not …

Makan, Minum, Negara Makmur!

How is it that the nation endowed with so many natural resources and potential seems to squander opportunity after opportunity to make real and tangible strides in delivering on the basics of good,…

Hang Jebat and the white elephant

On one hand, the reporter claimed that the Seawolf missile smashed into a target and on the other, the crew admitted the failure was caused by human error  leaving the drone unscathed?  Most probably,…

A closer look at Talam Corp Bhd

The Selangor government’s decision to approve an additional RM391 million budget allocation to Mentri Besar Inc (MBI) to take over the debts owed by Talam Corp Bhd to three state agencies has stirred…

Umno’s politics of engagement

“If I were Chinese, I, too, would not support the MCA.”Those words will ring in the ear of every single MCA member for a long time as the crudest statement uttered by a component party member.

Teoh exhumation begins

(The Malaysian Insider) - The exhumation of Teoh Beng Hock’s body for a second autopsy, ordered by the inquest into his recent death, has begun. The exhumation comes following the testimony of Thai…

Crimes of Politicians

In Malaysia UMNO has total power to break or make a businessman Either to enrich them or destroy them. UMNO is free to do almost anything it likes in the economic realm. And in an UMNO where…

Cerapan Isu Sekolah Satu Aliran

Umum mengetahui fakta bahawa ramai pelajar termasuk bukan Cina yang mendaftar untuk mengikuti pengajian di sekolah JK Cina. Perlu ditegaskan bahawa salah satu sebab sekolah Cina begitu popular…

Devilish Deeds

The harmony and well-being of a people is based on a there being mutual respect. In a world that has become deeply intertwined and interdependent, our cultural and religious diversity often become…

Malaysia 2020 Where Art Thou?

How is it that the man who holds the country’s top post, a post that demands the most ethical and integral a person to occupy can so far avoid scrutiny against a very serious charge of murder?By…