What are you staying? part 2

Art HarunA commenter on a web site where my article "What are you saying?" appeared alerted readers that there is a judicial precedent on whether a declaration can be stayed.

Only the truth will set us free

The ruling party barely managed to keep its two-thirds majority in Parliament. The opposition parties managed to keep Kelantan and won Penang while Selangor and Perak were hung in limbo. May 13…

Masihkah Ada Telur?

Maafkan saya sekiranya tajuk komentar saya kali ini agar kurang sopan bunyinya. Setelah seharian mencari satu tajuk yang sesuai, namun hanya inilah sahaja tajuk yang saya rasakan paling sesuai untuk…

Nizar seeks to bury stay order

By Debra Chong (The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, May 13 — Pakatan Rakyat's (PR) Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin is applying today to set aside yesterday's Court of Appeal…

Najib should Step Down

By Sick and Tired Only 1 month into his reign and Najib has proven to Malaysians that he is not fit to be a leader. The debacle in Perak is proof that despite all Najib’s talk about 1Malaysia…

What are you staying?

How can a declaration be stayed? You can stay the execution of a judgement or order. Meaning, if the Court gives an order saying Meenachi owes 1 million to Muthu, the Court can stay the execution of…

Zambry resumes duty, but as what?

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid (The Malaysian Insider) IPOH, May 13 — Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir today refused to give a clear answer to the question of whether he is actually Perak's mentri…

MB Sah Diharamkan, Yang Haram Dihalalkan

Saya percaya ramai ingin mengetahui sama ada keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan , Dato Ramly Ali menggantung pelaksanaan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi bermakna Zambry adalah Menteri Besar Perak yang…

UMNO Betrays its Own Platform

UMNO created both political and economic instability in Perak by sabotaging the people’s mandate. It therefore betrays its own platform of being the “only party capable of bringing…

Was May 13, 1969 a natural occurrence?

Azly Rahman http://azlyrahman-illuminations.blogspot.com/Perhaps it was. That would be the answer to the event that has become embalmed as a semiotic of racial conflict. Perhaps it wasn't…

Hard Wood to Crack

By NoraIn Raja Petra’s article ‘The Wood for the Trees’ dated 12th May 2009, he asked, ‘How do we counter the argument by Umno that we started this crossover business first so…

Black sedition vs white terror

IF I had to find a personal reason to explain the 1BLACKMalaysia campaign, I would attribute it to the determination of Perakians to denounce things they don't like. By Wong Chin Huat (The Nut…