The wood for the trees

Would all this have happened if Pakatan Rakyat had asked for the Perak State Assembly to be dissolved two weeks before the crossovers? Did one Umno crossover give an impression that Perak was…

It is NOT all about race

By BatsmanUMNO would be delighted if Malaysians retreat back into thinking it is all about race. UMNO will be orgasmic if Malaysians believe that the problems in this country are just one big…

Remedy For The Perak Sickness

It is a sad irony of history that those accused of treason often turn out to be their nation's heroes. In Malaysia we see history being revisited as activists and opposition politicians are being…

The Texture Of Justice

Malik Imtiaz It was to be expected. As news of the decision of the High Court in the matter of Nizar v Zambry filtered out, many were quick to give thanks and express encouragement for what they…

The Solution To The Perak Crisis

By Syed Akbar AliThe following is based on a timeline of the events in Perak taken from The Star 12 May 2009. My comments are in blue. My suggested solution is somewhere near the end.

Back to the People

By Farish A. NoorWith the High Court deciding that Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin was and is, after all, the rightful Chief Minister of Perak we seem to have returned to square one all over again.

Understanding the Perak crisis

I had been talking about the Perak crisis for some time. I trust most of my readers have heard almost every single angle to this story, but if you are indeed feel compelled to hear yet another view,…

Perak Ramblings

ART HARUNI love the way some people spin things. Especially when the spin is so shallow that all it manages to do is to boomerang back and hit the spinner's forehead.

The Texture Of Justice

Can Malaysians be faulted for celebrating a decision that they never thought possible in their wildest dreams, or for associating such decisions with an independent judge? I think not. It is an…


Malaysia mungkin akan menuju ke daulah gagal jika lembaga-lembaga yang sedia wujud tidak difahami fungsinya. Atau lembaga-lembaga ini tidak bebas dan dibeli dengan rasuah.DARI JELEBUHishamuddin Rais

Zambry files appeal, to be heard today

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR: - Barisan Nasional's Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir, who yesterday failed to get the High Court here to maintain his tenuous position as the mentri…

Dissolve state assembly, Ku Li urges Sultan

By Syed Azhar, The Star (Kota Baru):Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has urged the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the Assembly to prevent the political imbroglio in the state from spiralling…

Man, you are treated worse than a dog!

By I totally agreed with Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar’s conviction that he would not thank the government for releasing him. The reason was simply that he should not be detained…

HINDRAF – Which Way Forward?

By SV SingamMuch has been said about Uthayakumar's declaration that he intends to form an Indian-led multiracial party. While many are opposed to this idea for any number of reasons, there are…