UMNO’s Inexhaustible Slush Fund

UMNO seems to have an inexhaustible supply of money for its dubious and nefarious activities. It has been discovered where the eternal spring for cash-flow comes from - thanks to the stupid…


Nothing but chaotic squabble was put on shows both inside and outside the state secretariat hall on May 7. By

Know your rights

Written by John Lim, The EdgeArrested? Don't panic.There have been an alarming number of arrests over the past week related to the detention of Wong Chin Huat and the Perak State Assembly.

Lawyers: Police abused CPC provisions

Written by Melody Song, The Edge The Malaysian Bar Council criticised the police for disallowing the five lawyers who were arrested Thursday night to legal counsel, saying that they violated specific…

Guan Eng: Democracy is dead

Written by Regina William, The Edge Expressing his sadness over the turn of events in Ipoh during the state legislative assembly sitting, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng condemned the "wild…

Living in Filth

For more than 50 years the government toilet has not been flushed. It is now full of najis and stinking. The toilet mechanism is faulty. That's ok if you don't mind living in filth. If…

Was it worth it?

I shall not go over the detailed events and breachs again since its well known and have been commented on many times. What I am concerned about is the intentions of Barisan Nasional (BN) and…

Chinese are a bunch of Cowards

Five thousand years of Chinese Civilization have transformed the Chinese into a unique race which possessed all the necessary ingredients to survive in a harsh environment.

Might is not always right

By Deborah Loh, The Nut Graph THE Perak legislative assembly sitting on 7 May was the final act in the power grab by Barisan Nasional (BN). Three months after wresting the Perak government from the…

The Perak Putsch

This is my personal opinion only.It's May Day for Justice. I am not referring to the book written by Tun Salleh Abas. I am referring to the May 7 Putsch in Perak and the despicable behaviour of…

Hee has power, or so she says

By Adib Zalkapli, The Malaysian Insider Hee Yit Foong cited democracy and her power as deputy speaker to chair the Perak state assembly to get Datuk R. Ganesan elected as the new speaker in the…

Time to Change Default Settings

Marina MahathirI wore mostly black yesterday. I must say that this week I had not been focussed on May 7 vis-a-vis the Perak State Assembly all that much. May 7 happened to be the first anniversary of…

A Coup d’État in Perak

American hawk Edward Luttwak wrote in Coup d’État: a Practical Handbook, that “a coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is…

Sivakumar: It was a conspiracy

Written by Surin Murugiah & Chua Sue-Ann, The Edge Ousted Perak Speaker V Sivakumar claims it was a pre-planned conspiracy that involved the Barisan Nasional (BN), the Perak state secretary, the…