JJ to be ambassador to US

(The Malaysian Insider) — A former minister is set to be appointed Malaysia’s ambassador to the United States, a move which indicates that the Najib administration is looking to…

Democracy defends apostasy

By Shanon Shah (The Nut Graph) <!-- Printer Friendly Format --> KUALA LUMPUR, 6 May 2009: Muslims in a truly democratic country would allow other Muslims the freedom to leave Islam if they…

Swine Flu: Alarm bells are justified

By Wong Chun Wai I have been asked by an annoyed businessman whether the press has over reacted in its coverage of the swine flu issue. The front page coverage is no doubt bad for business, especially…

Sivakumar remains mum on assembly issues

(The Edge) IPOH: Two members of the Perak State Assembly claim to be the menteri besar, but Speaker V Sivakumar remained tight-lipped about how they would be seated when the House assembles on…

What’s wrong with Black?

Tick Tock Tick Tock, the clock is ticking. You can do what you want but you cannot stop time from passing by. And time is closing on Perak. The closer it is to 7th May 2009, the clearer it is that…

To defect or not to defect

(Sin Chew Daily) Just when Ong Tee keat was overseas, Chua Soi Lek, who has "come to a crossroad" in his political life, threw out a shocking statement, claiming that Pakatan Rakyat was…

Plight of the swamp dogs

(The Star) PORT KLANG: Animal activist Sabrina Yeap couldn’t hold back her tears when she saw the condition of the dogs that Pulau Ketam residents had dumped on an uninhabited island.

Altantuya: Datuk Seri buta ke? Pekak ke?

Kawan tak tau apa nak jadi dengan awak ni, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. Nak kawan tuduh awak ni buta dan pekak, tak elok sangat kawan buat gitu. Masuk ni, dah dua hari Raja Petra Kamarudin siarkan…

PKFZ: Damning Disclosure

A day before the report on the controversial Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project is due to be made public, Barisan Nasional MPs were briefed by the Port Klang Authority (PKA) yesterday and told that…