Challenge to Allah ban allowed

(Reuters) - A MALAYSIAN court granted permission to a Christian to challenge the authorities for seizing religious material that used the word 'Allah", national news agency Bernama reported…

Mayday in Perak

The contention is that the secretary of the Assembly was the one who had issued the notice for the new session in the Assembly and not the MB. The assembly secretary is but a clerk of paliament and…

Penanti seksa menanti

DUN Penanti adalah satu kejutan yang sedang diperhatikan oleh rakyat untuk dikritik dan dinilai, lebih besar dari pengkritik pengundi ialah prinsip demokrasi itu sendiri dan asas-asas konsep…

GMI, Pewaris to debate on ISA

By Gan Pei Ling, The Nut Graphhe Abolish ISA Movement or Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) has challenged Majlis Permuafakatan Ummah (Pewaris) to a debate on the Internal Security Act (ISA).

Herds galore

Let’s see what the lembu Umno will do to the babi MCA. I bet RM1,000 they will just keep quiet and nothing will happen. Umno is not trying to defend Islam. It just wants DAP and PAS to fight…

Malaysian Chicken Curry vs. the Big Mac

In a world where corporate giants and the ‘big boys’ typically roll over the underdog, I must admit it was heart-warming to see the story of Kanages Suppiah’s court victory against…

Lagi percubaan memecahbelahkan PAS

Semenjak Tsunami politik 8 Mac 2008, Umno/BN hanya akan melakukan satu perkara iaitu memecahkan Pakatan Rakyat. Ini adalah kerana, apabila Pakatan Rakyat kuat, mereka akan tersungkur daripada…

Lim Guan Eng on Press Freedom

Today once again, we celebrate World Press Freedom Day, an annual occasion since it was first designated in 1993 by the United Nations.We really have to celebrate this every day for our own right to…

On Chin Peng’s book cover

After 48 years of Independence, we still cannot tell the difference between communism, Marxism, socialism or anarchism. We are well versed in the foundations of crypto-corporate-cybernetic-crony…