Sajak Hari Buruh

Sempena Hari Buruh sedunia hari ini, Rahmat Haron telah mencipta satu sajak. Mari kita hayati bersama-sama.

People can criticise Rulers, says Asri

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider LAMPETER (Wales) — Regardless of the state of the monarchy in Malaysia, a society that wants to move forward should shed medieval and feudal traditions,…

Democracy Unsuitable for Malaysia?

I refer to Mart Garbera’s letter, “Call to reject Malaysiakini and Western stupidity” published in Malaysiakini on Apr 29. I won’t respond to it here, as I would rather

Stronghold Johor

Reading the interview of what Chua Soi Lek said in pertinent to “testing (BN stronghold) Johor” has gotten me to thinking about whether this statement still holds true.

What is it they are trying to hide?

The Special Branch is supposed to serve the nation, like in the days of past. Today, however, it serves the powers-that-be and those who walk in the corridors of power. This is a blatant abuse of the…

Mahathir & The Recipe for Disaster

Mahathir's privatisation, industrialisation and socio-economic programmes had created more bottlenecks, abuses, wastage and complacency than positive results. From highways, IPPs, and others,…

YB Toh Jangan Cakap Kosong!

(Buletin Online) - KUALA TERENGGANU – Penduduk Kampung Cina Kuala Terengganu tidak puas hati dengan tindakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kawasan Bandar, YB Toh Chin Yaw yang berlepas…

New media rules for May 7 Perak assembly

(The Malaysian Insider) - IPOH: Only 13 media organisations will be allowed to cover the highly-anticipated proceedings of the Perak State Legislative Assembly when it is held on May 7.