Corrupting use of anonymity

Sakmongkol answers Rocky BruFriends have called me. They are saying- sakmongkol, habis lah you kali ni. Rocky Bru, the boss of bosses of Blogdom has joined in to hantam you. I wish I can say, I am…

EC criticised for recent decisions

Written by Melody Song, The EdgeIs the Elections Commission (EC) a component party of the Barisan Nasional (BN)? This question is sort of a running joke amongst many political observers as the EC has…

How to con a stupid Chinaman

So now it is time for the son of Tun Razak to emulate his father and, again, merge the opposition parties into a Barisan Nasional Baru with Umno Baru as the new head honcho.THE CORRIDORS OF POWERRaja…

Ground rules for blogging

Rocky's Bru An Ugly Side of Blogging. When politician Ariff Sabri who runs the blog Sakmongkol AK47 decided to expose the identity of A Voice after a cyber-spat with the "anonymous"…

Gelisah Penanti

Penanti: Najib Lawan MahathirSayuti Omar UBN nampaknya benar-benar berubah dari biasa! Menjelang pilihan raya kecil Dun Penanti 31 Mei depan UBN masih belum membuat keputusan. Kali ini UBN tidak…