Sejarah menunjukkan bahawa United Malays National Organisation ini dinaikkan oleh penjajah British melalui Tunku kerana gerombolan ini tidak akan melawan atau menentang kepentingan kaum pemodal…

A new breath of hope blows

How often have we heard the pompous comments that Ghana and Malaysia both obtained independence in the same year but look at us now compared to them?By Azmi Sharom, The Star Online

Anwar trains his sights on 1Malaysia

(The Malaysian Insider) - Opposition icon Anwar Ibrahim has ripped into the Najib administration’s 1Malaysia concept, calling it cosmetic and nothing more than a bald-faced political move to try…

Pakatan Rakyat courts Chua Soi Lek

MCA deputy president at crossroads " many options being tossed around. That's true. A lot of people have seen me quietly. A lot of people also want me to persuade my son to resign as an MP,…

‘I Worked For Human Traffickers’

"The police officer himself drove the car while the trafficker sat next to him. They took us to the same place that we had been kept before. After leaving us there, the police left, after…

N.H. Chan: An inconvenient judge

If the Sultan had executive powers to rule, it is legally wrong, so they could apply for judicial review of the Sultan's decision. But I pointed out in my first article he has no executive…

Kerajaan Perpaduan: Apa kata rakyat?

Isu mengenai kerajaan perpaduan diantara PAS dan Umno hangat kembali. Selagi PAS dan UMno tidak berpadu, selagi itulah isu ini tidak akan selesai sehinggalah pilihanraya akan datang.

Najib’s Penanti dilemma

Umno officials are convinced that the four per cent swing of Malay voters to the party in Bukit Gantang will be replicated in a bigger way in Penanti because the community is ready to give the Najib…

Zambry attempts to remove Sivakumar

By Baradan Kuppusamy and Debra Chong, The Malaysian InsiderKUALA LUMPUR, April 29 — The first item on the agenda of the Barisan Nasional controlled Perak State assembly which sits on May 7 will…

Mukhriz stands firm on NEP

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider Datuk Mukhriz Mohammad today stressed that he will defend the New Economic Policy (NEP) even though the government plans to liberalise the…