On a lighter note

Someone sent me this. I don't know who created it but I thought it is good enough for me to share it with you. Have a good day.NO NOLDS BARREDRaja Petra Kamarudin

Not the X-Factor

A few years ago, The Star newspaper was one of the most strident critics of Mahathirism. The term is used loosely to signify anything; policies and projects that were associated with Dr Mahathir.…

Justice for the deserving

Being religious means having honesty, integrity, sincerity and many other virtues that come with it. The Quran underscores that to be just is what being a faithful adherent is all about. And justice…

…and then there are the independents

There are those that do not belong to either party but care nonetheless about the country. To them, to fight for the country does not necessarily mean automatically aligning to either party. No…

Party time!

A case for more representative electionsHow strong is Malaysia's party system? The proof of the pudding was evident when the re-elected Sabah government collapsed within a month because of the…

Heading Towards Class Collaboration

What the Hell is Class Collaboration? You tell me, but the dictionary explains it as “a belief that the division of society into a hierarchy of social classes is a positive and essential aspect…

Why do we blog?

By Sim Kwang YangA piece posted by a writer by the name of “a pensioner” in Dayak Baru has this to say about why people blog.

The Islam of Your Children

In our country, Islam is something you register for. Instead of God being the custodian of the faithful, we have the Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara who will faithfully record all those who are classed as…

Farewell, 30%!

Without this "30%," perhaps Malaysian companies could emerge more energetic, the ecomomy could grow faster, the Malays could be more competitive, and non-Malays could be less dejected and…

Menanti di Penanti

Cabaran besar bagi Najib dalam isu PRK Penanti sebenarnya datang dari dalam Umno sendiri, Di kalangan mereka, politik juara dan jaguh kampung yang bererti pantang undur sudah menjadi seperti satu…

MAIS forbids Ahmadiyya worship

"In Lina Joy's case, she is being prevented from leaving Islam, while the Ahmadiyya are being forcefully kicked out and yet are still liable to punishment by the Islamic authorities."…

End abuses: Rights group

HUMAN Rights Watch has appealed to new Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to end what it called government abuses such as mistreatment of migrants and detention without trial.