Disunity makes BN a failure

By Datuk Seri Yuen Yuet Leng (The Malaysian Mirror)The sooner MCA leaders stop quoting apparent rights that are no longer relevant to the times and situation like the party constitution, laws and…

Najib and the Murdered Mongolian

The Malaysian murder case that won't die In the 90-second video, Balasubramaniam said he had met with businessman Deepak Jaikshnan, the director of a carpet firm, in a bak ku teh (pork rib soup)…

The Pakatan Federal Government

By Hakim JoeThings and events do not bode well for the Opposition. To win by a simple majority, Pakatan would need to win more than 65% of the votes, and that is being optimistic about it. 

Which direction to take?

The three component parties of Pakatan Rakyat is having different ideologies and it would be very difficult for them to reach a consensus. However, in terms of aiming to check and balance BN and break…

Anwar is disappearing

His failure to change the regime on 16 Sept is a blow to his credibility and at the same time, it has affected his own psychological qualities. Obviously, his self-confidence and charm have greatly…

Sordid game of politics

Judging by the internal strife, dissention and ill-discipline among several parties in Malaysia today, particularly among the MCA, MIC, PKR and PAS, one might conclude that this most basic rule of…

Father alleges police twisting incident

By Wani Muthiah, The StarThings are getting tense in the case of housewife R. Seetha who consumed weedkiller after her brother was killed in a police shootout. Her father is now alleging that police…

Entitlement Syndrome – an UMNO disease

By Steadyaku47 Who are these people that takes hundreds and hundreds of million of ringgits of the Rakyat’s money and make it their own? Who exactly is making that decision to allow them to do so? Is…