Message to teachers

We must embrace the idea of teaching for understanding, much popularised by Howard Gardner. There is so much failure in our schools as a result of teaching strategies that do not meet the needs of…

Struggle for the soul of Umno

Despite a spate of well-orchestrated walkabouts and some sensible government decision-making, many Malaysians – especially non-Malays – remain sceptical. Umno must go further and drastic…

Still no news from husband

(THE STAR) - Kindergarten teacher M. Indira Gandhi is still waiting for her estranged husband to surrender their infant daughter to her, after the Ipoh High Court gave her custody on Friday.

The Twilight Zone

So, “the Cabinet has decided that children be raised in the ‘common religion’ at the time of marriage should one of their parents convert”, eh?

Debat ISA: Haram atau Halal?

Please be informed that Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) will be organizing “Debat ISA: Haram atau Halal?” in the light of the recent claims made by a group called PEWARIS chanting that ISA is…

Najib’s Report Card

Najib should spend more time to deal with economic issues, particularly the country's economy is now in a structural plight. As the world economy is unable to recover so quickly, Najib should…

Hard choices

The volatility of the global economy forces our policymakers to strike a difficult balance between the immediate imperative of shoring up short-term economic growth, with the long-term need for…

Again, move on Mahathir

THE rekindling of the relationship between former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and Umno was not a surprise when his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ended his tenure recently.