Ruler slams street politics

(The Star Online) - SEREMBAN: The Yang di-Pertuan Besar Tuanku Muhriz Tuanku Munawir, in his first speech at the state assembly, expressed disappointment that certain groups had resorted to street…

In PAS they trust

(The Malaysian Insider) - B. Balendran is just like any other devout Hindu who celebrates Deepavali and does not eat beef. But in his free time, he attends political rallies by PAS and helps to…

The Mamak Gang strikes again

Aiyah, Mamak, stop lah all this nonsense. We do not need a Hindu-Muslim war in Malaysia like you had in India. Two million people died when you Mamaks and Hindus fought each other 50 years ago in…

Liberalisation move raises questions

Najib hopes that his liberalization move will improve Malaysian international economic competitiveness which has been sliding over the past few years. But is competitiveness the only or main thing? Dr…

Another War Of Words

DAP Adviser Lim Kit Siang said that Dr M is “playing for very high stakes”. But Najib seems to have a well-thought-plan. He did not fight back the criticisms, or directly declare his…

Translating Policy Into Practice

The media reports that the cabinet has decided that children of marriages where one spouse subsequently embraces Islam would remain in the faith that the parents had agreed on at the time of marriage.…

The other side of Hudud

If Suk Yee is proven to be really poor and needs to steal out of necessity, then the authorities would be summoned to court and would be asked how come Suk Yee is so poor that she needs to steal.NO…

Malaysia – A State of Anarchy

By SocratesI What is our beloved Malaysia coming to? Malaysia has become a country where people tried for murder, and is proven to be involved in that murder, is acquitted and no appeal is made by

An act of sedition

Even renowned historians like Emeritus Professor Dato' Dr Khoo Khay Kim would find great difficulty in disagreeing that the line of succession for most of the nine Malaysian thrones has…

Dear Mr Todt,

AZHAR HARUN I am an average Malaysian busybody. And also a petrol head. I am about to shower on you the usual Malaysian hospitality.

Can one convert a child to Islam

By Mohamad Hafiz Hassan (The Malaysian Insider)APRIL 24 — It beats me how non-Muslim children, some of whom are only infants, can be converted to Islam by their parent or parents.

Funding democracy, the BN way

By Jacqueline Ann Surin (The Nut Graph) SINCE the historic March 2008 general election, it has become clearer to Malaysians that democracy is messy and expensive. Indeed, any politician who tries to…