Najib’s Mahathir dilemma

Falling out with Dr Mahathir, the longest serving leader in Malaysia’s history, can be politically fatal as see with the ousting of former Umno president and prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad…

The Penanti Conundrum

The BN lost in a big way on March 8 last year. After that it performed dismally is 4 by-elections in Peninsular Malaysia. And that was despite the whole mighty election machinery of the BN being used…

Sabar Menanti

By Keris SilauOrang Penanti tidak sabar menantiUntuk mencari seorang penggantiAdun dia letak jawatan bukan matiNak mengaji lagi walaupun ada 2 DegreeBaru nak masuk bab Timbalan Ketua MenteriTiba-tiba…

Bersatu pertahan raja Melayu

Beliau mengulas titah ucapan Sultan Azlan Shah pada majlis istiadat menghadap sembah taat setia dan penganugerahan darjah kebesaran negeri Perak sempena ulang tahun keputeraan baginda yang ke-81…

Bangkitlah orang Melayu

Translation by Zedeck Siew, The Nut Graph BETWEEN 13 and 19 April 2009, the Malay language press wrung its hands over the welfare of the Malay race, the inevitable Penanti by-election, and the…

The same old same old

The number of ministries and ministers are virtually the same. What is perhaps even more indicative that it is the same old same old is the fact that it is the same old faces. In fact, it includes…

BN Perlu Bertanding Di Penanti

By Dr Novandri Hasan Basri (The Malaysian Insider)Dengan berbekalkan majoriti berganda iaitu 2,219 undi yang berpihak kepada Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) pada PRU-12, kita tidak dapat menafikan…

PKR-DAP spat a bait to put BN on fire

By Abdel Jabber With Tun Mahathir declaring an official war against Anwar Ibrahim, once his protege and today enemy number one, the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) is putting up a wider net to capture the waves…

Updating the Mosque for the 21st Century

A new generation of Muslim builders and designers, as well as non-Muslims designing for Muslim groups, often in Europe or North America, are updating the mosque for the 21st century, sparking not just…

Blogger Acquitted in Seoul

By Evan Ramstad (The Wall Street Journal) A South Korean judge ruled Monday that a blogger arrested after criticizing government economic policies was not guilty of spreading false information, the…

Indonesia v. Corruption

(Wall Street Journal Asia) - Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has made fighting corruption a cornerstone of his presidency. His efforts just got a boost from the judiciary. This is…

I want it, I want it

By Kata Tak Nak I want it, I want it, I want it, I don't care, I say I want, I want it, I want it.Now, now, now, what more do you want? We've already given you almost everything right, so…


By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad1. The Western Press launched a concerted effort to demonise the new Prime Minister. From France to Britain to Australia, the articles are identical and carried the same…

PKFZ: More Clarification Needed

by The Ancient MarinerThe Malaysian Insider reports, here, that the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will seek clarification again from the parties responsible for the Port Klang Free…

Is slavery rife in Malaysia?

The issue of legal and illegal immigrants in the country is not a new development. We have heard politicians from both sides of the divide question, proclaim and even condemn the problems associated…

Conversion without consent

Translation by Sharmila Valli Narayanan (The Nut Graph)STORIES that dominated the Tamil press for the week of 13 to 19 April 2009 continued to be about the conversion of children to Islam without a…

You are the enemy of your own Religion!

Restriction on Religions by Humans The growth of a religion believed to be a promise between GOD PROPHETS and HUMANS, any religion on this earth is believed from God, and yet we are restricting the…