Nothing escapes us Netizens

In more mature markets, the newspapers are the forum for debate and analysis, while the Internet is the news hub, churning out updates.By Karim Raslan (The Star)

Shadow plays of the other cabinet

THE last time an opposition shadow cabinet list came out, Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-president R. Sivarasa was not only law minister but deputy prime minister II as well. By Syed Nadzri (NST)

MB driving BN reps up the wall

(The Star) - The appointment of an ambulance driver as a director of a Terengganu Government-linked company by embattled Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said has created another controversy involving…

Nations should play by one set of rules

(Bernama) — One of the United States’ foremost civil rights activists wants all nations to play by one set of rules to reconstruct the world, especially in the midst of the current…

Yours Is Yours

By Tay Tian Yan (Sin Chew Daily) I have came across a term “status quo ante bellum” when I was studying political science. It means “the way things were before the war”.

Penanti: Frivolous or principled?

By Deborah Loh (The Nut Graph)THE impending Penanti by-election has raised the question about whether elected representatives and their political parties ought to be penalised for…

No hurry for ‘crooked bridge’

(The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today told Johor Umno that the government is in no hurry to revive the 'crooked bridge' to replace its half of the Causeway, adding any…

A divisible ‘One Malaysia’?

{mosimage}While we hear the ‘One Malaysia’ slogan being trumpeted, we have also seen the evolution of structural violence in our economic, educational, cultural, and legal systems. A…

More to come, says Gerakan

(NST) - Pakatan Rakyat, especially Parti Keadilan Rakyat, will force by-elections every two to three months. This is the prediction of Gerakan deputy president Datuk Chang Ko Youn.

Fight over kids’ conversion

A HINDU woman is challenging her husband's conversion of the couple's three young children to Islam, the woman's lawyer said on Monday - the latest interfaith dispute over minors in…

What can be expected in Penanti

It appears like there is going to be a by-election in Penanti after all. The Penanti state seat comes under the Permatang Pauh parliamentary constituency. And the Member of Parliament for Permatang…

Who is the Prime Minister?

It's different time and different ball game. Former Premier Tun Mahathir should not equate his time with what is happening now. The political landscape has changed. The people dread the long…

Najib Tun Razak first take on CSR

Much more can be done in Malaysia, in terms of CSR. It’s not a matter of going beyond compliance, it’s a matter of plain old compliance. With the new system of Key Performance Indicators…

Guan Eng denies discord in Pakatan

(The Star) - Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has denied there is any discord within the Pakatan Rakyat alliance over Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin’s resignation as Deputy Chief Minister 1 and as…