Malaysiakini lied again!

This is how Malaysia "premier "news portal Malaysiakini is not moving forward as it has lied again to the public when it published a report in the same manner as when it reported a…

RPK is More Than Just a Friend …

One thing they can't take away is the bond of which he has created with the majority of Malaysians and the awareness he has instilled upon each and everyone of us through his articles that…

Mahathir the happiest man: Part 2

Mahathir has been reading, studying and digesting the Malay mind very intensely. So intense that he could maneuver them to an extent that Malays take him as a hero without even realizing they are…

Be leaders of all Malaysians

Barisan Nasional can win back the people if its elected representatives are humble, credible and become champions of fair play, justice and transparency.By WONG CHUN WAI, The Star

Perak twists and turns remain murky

By Shannon Teoh (The Malaysian Insider)KUALA LUMPUR, April 19 – Perak’s political imbroglio has more twists and turns than the Sungai Perak that meanders lazily through the silver…

Perak sultan makes Zambry a Datuk Seri

(The Malaysian Insider) KUALA KANGSAR, April 19 - Barisan Nasional Perak Menteri Besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and three other people head a list of 800 bestowed awards and medals in conjunction…

An affront to human rights

Suhakam chairman Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman, who was Attorney-General between 1980 to 1993, says the Internal Security Act has been abused for too long and hopes there will be a ‘meaningful…