Khir has his say on allegations

Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Khir Toyo has come under a lot fire recently for purportedly misusing the state agencies’ funds for costly trips, family holidays and personal gain -…

What is One-Malaysia?

It was meant to indicate that no one in this country would be sidelined but that affirmative action policies will continue to persist in the aid of one particular race and that the special rights…


Here's what will cure Malaysia of all her troubles: trial by jury. By Pakac Luteb

Anwar: We will defend Fairus

Written by Regina William, The Edge Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) will defend former deputy chief minister (DCM) 1 and Penanti assemblyman Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin in the event that he is charged in…

The Penanti doublespeak

Let’s face it, the last thing the new Najib administration needs is another defeat and another reminder that a significant number of Malaysians support Pakatan Rakyat. The Malaysian Insider

Battle for the holy grail

One thing is for sure, whoever succeeds has to understand that people's support is not absolute and they will be forced to deliver their promises. So, don't promise the moon and the stars…

It’s time to storm the Bastille

I call upon all Malaysians who wish to uphold the kedaulatan of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia to converge onto Ipoh on 7 May 2009 as a show of support to Nizar Jamaluddin and the Pakatan Rakyat…

Najib: BN may skip Penanti

(The Malaysian Insider) - Stung by four straight by-election defeats in the peninsula, Barisan Nasional might skip contesting the Penanti by-election if there is consensus among component parties.

The new politics of the new Malaysia

Umno and the BN are totally unaware that the New Malaysia and the New Malaysians have slowly yet surely embraced a New Politics. That the New Politics is diametrically opposed to and in total conflict…

DPP detained for corruption

(The Star) - The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) detained a senior deputy public prosecutor, Mohd Azhar Irwan, for allegedly taking bribes and tampering with evidence.

Crunch time for Anwar?

How he handles controversyover resignations could decide Penanti by-electionTrixia Carungcong, TODAYonlineHOW Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim handles the controversy surrounding the…

It’s the economy, stupid!

It is appalling to read Utusan Malaysia run a frontpage article titled "Bangkitlah Melayu", urging the Malays to rise against the other races who are allegedly demanding way too much. But…

Bangkitlah, Anak-anak Malaysia

Kita perlu bersuara. Hak-hak kita jangan dipersenda. Kita manusia. Punya perasaan, punya hak azali, punya taraf kemanusiaan. Kenapa kita harus berdiam diri apabila hak-hak kita dicabuli? Azhar Harun

Sindrom takut pilihanraya

Kekalahan demi kekalahan dalam kesemua pilihanraya kecil di Semenanjung Malaysia telah menyebabkan perdana menteri baru merangkap pengerusi Barisan Nasional, Najib Razak dan isterinya Rosmah Mansor…

Teach Us a Different Malaysian History

Let us teach our children that they too can become the next Prime Minister. Teach our teachers how to creatively teach Civics and History and to acquire the art and science of Revisionist Civics,…