Tough choices for MIC

Whatever it is, the CWC meeting could either be an explosive affair with the party leadership deciding to pull out from the cabinet, or just fizzle out with the party reiterating its denial it made…

Muhyiddin’s Folly

Regardless of whether those comments were taken out of context or not, the damage has been done. The MCA, Gerakan, and DAP have come out with statements strongly rebuking his comments, saying that the…

Where Malaysia is headed (Part 3)

After a few of my friends got thrown into Kamunting during Dr M's infamous Operation Lalang in October 1987, I became rather paranoid about the Malaysian police, especially the Special Branch or…

Who’s afraid of Mahasneer?

The Chronicles of Oilwell continue... Written by Helen Ang, CPIOilwell is a petroleum-exporting, egg-sucking planet ruled by Big Enders – folks who crack their eggs at the big end. Opposition…

To YB, from your Boss

Although you owe your position, your trappings of power and your wealth to our votes, you do not need to be grateful to us.By Dr. Hsu Dar Ren (The Malaysian Insider)

The Iraqi Oil for Food Program

By Hakim JoeThe Oil for Food (OFF) Program is basically a UN sanctioned action which allowed Iraq to sell limited quantities of oil in the world market to finance the purchases for food, medicine and…


Yang menyusun dan merancang semua ini adalah kabal-kabal rahsia seperti – Freemason, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones – semuanya terpusat di bawah satu bumbung yang…

Najib moves to ease race tension

(The Malaysian Insider) - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today moved to smother the build-up of angst and confusion surrounding his One Malaysia concept, urging his Cabinet to view all citizens as…

Constitution of Malaysia

We all know that The Federal Constitution of Malaysia is the supreme law of Malaysia but do you know how many times did the constitution being amended?

Eli to stay on!

By Neville Spykerman, The Malaysian Insider Elizabeth Wong has indicated she will remain in the Selangor government after it decided to reject her resignation, submitted two months ago when partially…

The REAL Umno agenda

Utusan Malaysia is very mischievous and we should not allow them to get away with this. We should go out and buy some copies of Utusan Malaysia and burn them. Can we organise a ‘Burn Utusan…

Tiba masanya Najib pula tertekan?

Paling menjolok mata, Najib menuruti kemahuan Tun Mahathir supaya tidak melantik Ketua Pemuda Umno, Khairy Jamaluddin membarisi kabinet, sebaliknya melantik Mukhriz yang tewas ditangga ketiga. …