Ho Chi Minh

By Syed Akbar Ali This is a short story. It has significance to what is going on in our country.

Altantuya’s Killers Judged Guilty

But the case leaves an indelible stain on Malaysia's political and legal systems P. Balasubramaniam, a private detective hired by Razak Baginda to keep the woman away from him, swore in an…

Figuring out One Malaysia

(The Malaysian Insider) - What is One Malaysia? This has been troubling supporters of Umno since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak announced it in his maiden speech as prime minister nine days ago.


If only the governments of 1,400, 2,000 and 3,500 years ago also saw what Umno sees today. How nice this country would be. It would be a beautiful country undivided by people believing in so many…

Pakatan Rakyat, Jangan Besar Kepala?

Najib Razak telah selamat ditabalkan menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke-enam. Khairy Jamaluddin pula telah berjaya menduduki kerusi Ketua Pemuda UMNO. Muhyiddin Yassin pula nampaknya telah berjaya…

Mengapa Rakyat Tidak Puas Hati?

Ketika saya menulis artikel ini, saya sekali lagi dalam perjalanan ke Prague, Republik Czech. Kali ini saya akan bertemu dengan sejumlah besar bakal doktor perubatan negara kita.

Perak crisis far from over

Comment by BARADAN KUPPUSAMY, The StarTHE unanimous decision of the Federal Court on Thursday to rule that the three Perak assemblymen, whose Feb 5 defection brought down the Pakatan Rakyat…

Winds of change in PAS too?

The leadership change in Umno has added pressure on PAS to come up with a strong political team in its own party elections in June which is likely to see contests for almost all major posts.By…

Time to repeal the ISA

There is no justification for the continued use of this draconian law to detain politicians and activists engaged in legitimate dissent or even passport forgers.The Star

Gentleman Gocoh Round II

Dato' Ahmad Said, the Menteri Besar of Trengganu, is once again in the political crosshairs as rumours abound that members of his own party will initiate a vote of no-confidence against the Kijal…

The Famous Ipoh Rain Tree

Meanwhile, the Pakatan Rakyat has gone on to plant five more rain trees to keep the lone Tree of Democracy in Ipoh company. They say the new trees are symbols of Justice, Integrity, Welfare,…

We should all come clean

Tengku Razaleigh HamzahYesterday I gave an interview to Sarah Stewart, the Bureau Chief of AFP in Malaysia. Among the questions she asked me was the unavoidable question about the international…