Why is UMNO running scared?

Day before yesterday, we attended a ceramah in Trong. My estimate of the crowd : about 2,000 - 2,500. Mostly Malay, and, it seemed, diehard PAS supporters.by Haris Ibrahim

Who really needs the ISA?

Unpopular and unjust laws are indefensible, so the question is when, rather than if, the ISA would be repealed. Even its ardent advocates do not pretend it will remain forever.By BUNN NAGARA, The Star…

Siapa hina Islam?

Satu laporan polis dibuat terhadap setiausaha DAP Perak, Nga Kor Ming kerana didakwa mempersendakan Islam dalam ceramah politiknya dalam pilihanraya kecil Parlimen Bukit Gantang.

Kecoh Di Kepala Bukit

Hampir Cemari Pilihan Raya Bukit GantangJAM 2:00 pagi tadi saya cuba melaporkan satu kejadian yang nyaris-nyaris mencetuskan perbalahan besar antara kedua para penyokong dan pekerja jentera kempen…

Hold the praise, still early days

(The Malaysian Insider) - After reading today’s newspapers, Malaysians may come away thinking that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has: a) Solved all the ills in society, brought race relations to a…

Hindraf duo still not fully free

(The Malaysian Insider) - The two Hindraf leaders released from the Kamunting detention centre this afternoon are still in police custody, opposition leader Lim Kit Siang said today.

“I’m Never Not Ok”

In short, I am never not okay with the delegates’ choice but I have my reservations about the integrity and ability of some of the Supreme Councilors to be appointed to government posts.A Kadir…