Party machine trumps morality

Baginda had a glamorous assistant and lover, Altantuya Shaaribuu, 28, who came down to Kuala Lumpur and claimed $US500,000 of the commission when it was paid in October 2006. When Baginda refused, she…

Voters of Gantang, Ai and Selambau!

Malaysia stands at a cross roads and fate has given you the power to decide where she will turn next. We have a brand new Prime Minister and with him comes brand new policies. You have the power to…

Stop fighting, help the Malaysian Indians

A reminder to the wealthy and powerful. Help develop the poor – especially those from the Indian community. Detach yourself from your wealth, as the Bhagavad Gita, Sutras, Quran, Bible, Granth…

Najib faces his first test on Tuesday

Tuesday's elections should give some indication of whether a broad spectrum of Malaysians believe Mr Najib can lead the country to renewed prosperity and greater unity, or on the other hand if Mr…

PKR claws back Bkt Selambau Indians

By Shannon Teoh, The Malaysian Insider PKR struck back yesterday in the race for Indian votes by claiming 6,000 defections from PPP Kedah after its start to the Bukit Selambau campaign was blighted by…

Another Aunty laid to rest

Sharifah Saiha was admitted into hospital about a week ago. She had been suffering from cancer for some time. Last night, she suffered a heart attack and went into a coma. She died after her…

Manikumar lancar Piagam Calon

(Hrkh) - Calon KeADILan bagi pilihan raya kecil Dun N.25 Bukit Selamabu, S.Manikumar melancarkan Piagam Calon dengan mengemukakan lapan perkara yang bakal dilaksanakan beliau sekiranya dipilih sebagai…

Taking the Mickey out of our money

But that’s not the end of it. Elsewhere in this newspaper, Terence Fernandez exposes how instruments of the state were used to steal land, bordering on fraud. In the next few days, more will…

RM1.9m for ‘technical’ visits

By Reena Raj (The Malay Mail)AFTER a gruelling seven days, the public inquiry into possible misuse of funds by Wives of Selangor Elected Representatives Charity Organisation (Balkis) ended yesterday,…

Najib’s had a good start but…

By Baradan Kuppusamy (The Malaysian Insider) KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — A reasonably good start but not enough. That’s the verdict of lawyers, human rights activists and opposition leaders on…

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts…

So this guy releases 13 ISA detainees and the promise to undertake a comprehensive review of the ISA. Some people are even thinking this is Najib Tun Razak’s deal with His Royal Highness in…