Anwar vows to free Hindraf detainees

(Bernama) SUNGAI PETANI, April 1 — After promising to lower fuel prices if he could form the government after the last general election last year, Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor Datuk Seri Anwar…

RM1mil offer to pull out

(The Star) SUNGAI PETANI: Several independent candidates claimed they had been offered money to withdraw from contesting the Bukit Selambau state seat.

Khir’s RM1.7m Disney trips

(The Sun) Former Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and his entourage spent RM1.7 million of public funds to visit two Disneyland theme parks in the United States and France, but the…

Najib wants ‘One Malaysia’

By Lee Wei Lian (The Malaysian Insider) PUTRAJAYA , April 1 - In his final public address before his expected swearing in as prime minister on Friday, Datuk Seri Najib Razak gave a hopeful glimpse…

Permit Nation

The message is loud and clear: your liberties and freedoms are subject to our approval. If you transgress, your freedom is forfeited. Period. Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, The Malaysian Insider

On the eve of 3rd April

On the eve of 3rd April 2009, let us take a trip down memory lane and recap what Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal said on 1st July 2008. I spent six hours with him the day he signed his Statutory…

Zambry is not a very smart man

The Election Commission which had decided to play politics to ensure that the fraudulent Perak State Government comes into power, will declare that Nizar had made a "fraudulent…

No holds barred in Bukit Gantang

Ibrahim observes the tendency of rural Malay Malaysians to distrust the DAP, and expects Umno to harp on the PR state government's failure to put Malay Malaysian interests ahead of other…

PKR May Find It Tough In Batang Ai

According to observers, PKR is already stretched very thin in terms of election resources due to the fact that three by-elections are being held simultaneously this time, the two others being in Bukit…

Made in Malaysia

What do foreign investors face when they come to Malaysia? How do they overcome the government bureaucracy and the many rules imposed on foreign investors? Imagine this typical scene in a government…

Exit PM Pak Lah, enter Tun Abdullah

(The Malaysian Insider) - The Yang DiPertuan Agong Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin is to award Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with the Tun title after he submits his resignation as prime minister on…


Tanah Melayu juga akhirnya menjadi sebahagian dari Empire British. Tanah tanah jajahan British yang berselerak di Asia dan Afrika telah menyelamat ekonomi British dari berlakunya pemberontakan rakyat.…

What 3rd April means to Malaysia

Now, the revelation of Najib in the photo would not have caused such a sensation if not for the deputy prime minister’s oft-repeated denial of any knowledge of Altantuya, including a public…

Umno MB cons state of RM 1 MILLION!

Is this what we can expect from (recently somewhat petty and insecure?) Zambry?Holy crap! I think I want to marry an Umno politician!! Malaysiakini: Former Selangor Menteri Besar Dr Mohd Khir Toyo and…

The PM’s Finality

Here is the conclusion to this post : The prime ministership and the Prime Minister's Office is no place for goofing around, wasting time or being frivolous. The lives and well being of 28…