Where Does Wealth Come From?

I would like to put a different spin on Dari Jelebu’s article “Dari Mana Harta Kekayaan Datang” . Sdr Hishamuddin makes it clear that wealth comes from human efforts and labour, but…


The 59th UMNO General Assembly has just concluded it’s Agenda and emerging from it, a new group of leaders. Many of the vocal politicians were elected to the Supreme Council, as well as to top…

Mourning the death of democracy

In a poll conducted in this blog in January which ran for a week, readers were asked to give their response to the question “Should Pak Lah stay on as PM or make way for Najib?”.

The Final Triumph

The brightest limelight fell on Mahathir, outshadowing Abdullah seated in the middle. Nevertheless, the outgoing prime minister showed his gentleman demeanour, taking the initiative to humbly greet…

Three By-elections

If Pakatan Rakyat wishes to take the federal regime, it must not ignore Sarawak, in which 35% of its population is the Dayak group (including Iban and Bidayuh), 25% of it is Chinese, followed by…

Take 6 moths unpaid leave

Any employee in the group is eligible for the initiative - called the Staff Rejuvenation Programme - and the option would be granted after evaluation by senior management, said Mr Nazir.

New DPM vows racial equality

A SENIOR Malaysian minister has vowed to end economic discrimination against the country's ethnic Chinese and Indian minorities in a bid to revive government support, an official said on Tuesday.…

Transition will take its course

'Just wait for that. Don't ask me to say anything now. This will happen. The transition will take its course,' he said when asked if the handing over will be right after he meets the…