Malays threatened by their leaders

To the politicians or these so-called heroes, the Malays, just like any other race in this world, are human beings and are not commodities that can be sold or traded with throat roaring shouts to…

They play, we all pay

By Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (The Malaysian Insider)MARCH 31 – The Umno Assembly has come and gone and, as has been the case for at least the last three assemblies, in its wake many of us have been…

News from Batang Ai (Part 7)

1. Rumah Beranda remains isolatedRumah Beranda Aluk, Nanga Bengap which is about 15 km from the main road is little known longhouse as no VVIPs has ever visited it. Except for Jawah Gerang who visited…

Balkis accounts not audited for eight years

By Neville Spykerman (The Malaysian Insider) Like peeling the layers of an onion, the Special Select Committee for Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) is slowly unravelling the extent…

Same old UMNO will never take us far

Whilst many observers a.k.a non-UMNO members are being pessimistic with the promises of Najib, the new party president and future Prime Minister has urged the public to 'judge him by his…

Who speaks for Najib? Everyone!

(The Malaysian Insider) - “I am doing this at Najib’s orders.’’ Even before he takes over as prime minister and assumes the power which comes with the position, the might of…

Dr M still slams Pak Lah

(The Malaysian Insider) - The so-called rapprochement between Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could be stillborn after the former prime minister continued biting criticism…

And you said you fear PAS

You might not agree with Islam or PAS’ policies on Islam. But at least with PAS you know what’s coming and you can voice out if you don’t like it. With Umno, you are not allowed such…

An idea whose time has come

Malaysia has been in search of an alternative to BN’s half-century rule and Pakatan Rakyat is an idea whose time has come. Unlike the previous attempts, today’s Pakatan is likely to…

PKR needs to mend fences in Selambau

The issue at the centre of all these unwanted problems is that Manikumar, a political novice, is unconnected with the Hindraf and Makkal Sakthi movement and was selected by a business tycoon close to…