BN reps sue Selangor govt, Speaker

(The Star) - Three Barisan Nasional assemblymen have filed a suit against the Selangor state government, the State Assembly Speaker and the Select Committee on Competence, Accountability and…

Keeping PR together

Will the common manifesto do it?I'm trying to bring politics to another level, to talk about policy issues and to let the people have real choice. Let people debate Barisan policies vis-a-vis ours.…

Fall of Pakatan – Courtesy of MACC?

By Why Lie-dis n Lie-datPakatan's Perak fell to Barisan courtesy of a number of factors, betrayers, frogs, courts , even the royalty taking the blame, Pakatan's own infighting and incompetence and…

Yelling at Badrul to ‘get out!’

(Malaysian Mirror) - It was a dramatic show of defiance outside the Selangor legislative assembly on Monday morning as a group of demonstrators shouted and yelled at Port Klang assemblyman Badrul…

Show-cause letter against Hasan Ali

(The Star) - Selangor PAS Commissioner Datuk Dr Hasan Ali is facing the possibility of being relieved of his position or even being sacked from the party if its disciplinary committee find him guilty…


Please! Don’t try this at home. Hangpa biasa tengok wrestling? Memang syok..orang tu hentam orang ni. Orang ni hentam orang tu. Ingatkan Big Show dah boleh menang bila dia terajang Undertaker.…

Wang ehsan.. My foot!

1. Finally, the Federal government acknowledges that there is a validity of the agreement signed between the State government and Petronas where the later is supposed to pay 5% oil revenue to the…

Anwar: Leave or stay loyal

(Malaysian Mirror) - PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim has given party leaders and members two choices -- stay loyal or leave if they do not want to adhere to party policies.

Malaysia, Language & Education

By resident.wangsamaju Malaysians are just too focused on race. Government policies are focused on race. The word Bumiputera and Malay is over-emphasized. The Malay language is over-emphasized.…

The real concerns of a decent Rakyat…

By CandidmanAs a member of the common public, a civvy in the Civvy Street, I am not so concerned about the political imbroglio ever be ballyhoo happening in the Country. I am not so concerned either…

What Najib seeks is 1BN

He has managed to cobble together 1Umno, but can he do the same for his coalition?The decisive factor in the end may be about which coalition has the least disunited members, BN or PR?By Ooi Kee Beng,…

PAS, a fading moon?

(Malaysian Mirror) - Soon after PAS president Hadi Awang delivered a speech meant to inspire his members to achieve greater heights, the confidence ballon deflated with a revelation that there are…

Holding PAS to its Islamic line

Some 1,000 PAS delegates at the special seminar to strengthen the party and affirm its place in the Pakatan Rakyat concluded that the party must stick to its Islamic line even at the expense of the…